Sunday, December 28, 2008


Welcome to This Week's
Vol. 1 No. 22

Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the

If you find the tips and secrets in this issue
valuable, invite a friend to join us!

Forward this newsletter, or send this link

and invite them to subscribe. They will thank you!


In this week's issue -

* HeartCompass Quote

* HeartCompass Secrets: The Christmas-New Year Lull

* LifeNavigation Tip: How To Use Past and Future Right Now

* This Week's Featured Video: Inner Whisper

* Pre-Made LifeNav Kits and A Mind With Heart Coaching/Training
Email and ask for F*REE info.

* Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!


HeartCompass Quote:

"Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold."

Zelda Fitzgerald




The time between Christmas and New Year's Day in western culture
is in some ways like a waiting room.

All the stress and activity focused around getting everything
ready for Christmas day is suddenly over. The meals have been
eaten, the dishes washed, the gifts opened, the thank you's
said. Now everyone goes home, or to their favorite room, to rest.

In a way, Christmas day feels like the end of the year, but
the new year has not yet begun. It's still a few days off.
That's what makes this a perfect time to reflect on the year
just lived, and contemplate desires for the coming year.

Some would say that thinking about the past or the future is
not being in the present. But where else does the past or
future exist if not in our minds in this moment right now?

What we call the past and the future are part of the now.
How we experience those aspects of the moment depends mostly
on how we choose to think of them.



If you are in a place where you get to experience the lull
between Christmas and New Year's Day, this is a great time
to pull out your LifeNav Kit (the one you purchased, or one
you made yourself). You can use it to help identify and
transform any fear-based beliefs made visible to you in your
physical experience of the previous year.

Have fun with this, and don't worry that you'll be rehashing
unpleasant memories. You're going to use them to dig up and let
go of beliefs, and replace those with Truth that feels very
very good!

To stay on track, you'll want to begin by thinking of at least
five things you feel grateful for in the past year, and write
those down.

Next, think of something this past year that did not work for
you. Take a deep breath, and ask yourself "what was I thinking?"
Use your Post It notes, use your Lifenavigation Chart.

Now, focus on your Heart, take a few deep breaths, and read
one of the five things you wrote down that you feel grateful
for. When you have that feeling, ask your Heart for the Truth
about the unpleasant memory or experience.

Remember to write the answer on a 3x5 index card and file it.
This tells your subconscious mind to keep it.

You can repeat this process for any unpleasant memories from
the previous year that you would like to feel better about.
This also helps clear your mind and access your Heart for
what you truly desire in the coming year. I guarantee this
feels better than "resolutions", and the results are much
more powerful as well.


Featured Video: Inner Whisper: A Mind Movie for Inner Guidance

I found this lovely video on Youtube. I hope it will inspire
you to listen to your own inner voice and fulfill your own
Heart's desires in the coming new year!


Redirect Your Mind...

...with Inner Guidance from the Heart.

Start the New Year off right... send an email to

and say,

"Yes. Send me info about the LifeNav Kit
and A Mind With Heart Coaching and Training."


Next Week:

More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!

Invite a friend to join us on the journey!

Forward this newsletter, or send this link

and invite them to subscribe. They'll thank you!


Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008

Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises

Visit me at MySpace

Read Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart

Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!

FREE 5 Part Online Heartcompass LifeNavigation iCourse!
"Redirect Your Mind, With Inner Guidance From The Heart"

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