Welcome to This Week's
Vol. 1 No. 22
Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the
If you find the tips and secrets in this issue
valuable, invite a friend to join us!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They will thank you!
In this week's issue -
* HeartCompass Quote
* HeartCompass Secrets: The Christmas-New Year Lull
* LifeNavigation Tip: How To Use Past and Future Right Now
* This Week's Featured Video: Inner Whisper
* Pre-Made LifeNav Kits and A Mind With Heart Coaching/Training
Email myheartcompass@yahoo.com and ask for F*REE info.
* Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
HeartCompass Quote:
"Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold."
Zelda Fitzgerald
The time between Christmas and New Year's Day in western culture
is in some ways like a waiting room.
All the stress and activity focused around getting everything
ready for Christmas day is suddenly over. The meals have been
eaten, the dishes washed, the gifts opened, the thank you's
said. Now everyone goes home, or to their favorite room, to rest.
In a way, Christmas day feels like the end of the year, but
the new year has not yet begun. It's still a few days off.
That's what makes this a perfect time to reflect on the year
just lived, and contemplate desires for the coming year.
Some would say that thinking about the past or the future is
not being in the present. But where else does the past or
future exist if not in our minds in this moment right now?
What we call the past and the future are part of the now.
How we experience those aspects of the moment depends mostly
on how we choose to think of them.
If you are in a place where you get to experience the lull
between Christmas and New Year's Day, this is a great time
to pull out your LifeNav Kit (the one you purchased, or one
you made yourself). You can use it to help identify and
transform any fear-based beliefs made visible to you in your
physical experience of the previous year.
Have fun with this, and don't worry that you'll be rehashing
unpleasant memories. You're going to use them to dig up and let
go of beliefs, and replace those with Truth that feels very
very good!
To stay on track, you'll want to begin by thinking of at least
five things you feel grateful for in the past year, and write
those down.
Next, think of something this past year that did not work for
you. Take a deep breath, and ask yourself "what was I thinking?"
Use your Post It notes, use your Lifenavigation Chart.
Now, focus on your Heart, take a few deep breaths, and read
one of the five things you wrote down that you feel grateful
for. When you have that feeling, ask your Heart for the Truth
about the unpleasant memory or experience.
Remember to write the answer on a 3x5 index card and file it.
This tells your subconscious mind to keep it.
You can repeat this process for any unpleasant memories from
the previous year that you would like to feel better about.
This also helps clear your mind and access your Heart for
what you truly desire in the coming year. I guarantee this
feels better than "resolutions", and the results are much
more powerful as well.
Featured Video: Inner Whisper: A Mind Movie for Inner Guidance
I found this lovely video on Youtube. I hope it will inspire
you to listen to your own inner voice and fulfill your own
Heart's desires in the coming new year!
Redirect Your Mind...
...with Inner Guidance from the Heart.
Start the New Year off right... send an email to
and say,
"Yes. Send me info about the LifeNav Kit
and A Mind With Heart Coaching and Training."
Next Week:
More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!
Invite a friend to join us on the journey!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They'll thank you!
Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008
Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises
Visit me at MySpace
Read Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart
Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
FREE 5 Part Online Heartcompass LifeNavigation iCourse!
"Redirect Your Mind, With Inner Guidance From The Heart"
and LifeNavigation Tips is a newsletter produced by Heartcompass Enterprises and the Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart.
To learn more visit Metaphysics-for-Life.com!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Welcome to This Week's
Vol. 1 No. 21
Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the
In this week's issue -
* HeartCompass Quote
* HeartCompass Secrets: The Heartcompass Story
* LifeNavigation Tip: Watch This Week's Video
* This Week's Featured Video: Gregg Braden on The Science of Miracles.
* Pre-Made LifeNav Kits and A Mind With Heart Coaching/Training
Email myheartcompass@yahoo.com and ask for F*REE info.
* Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
If you find the tips and secrets in this issue
valuable, invite a friend to join us!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They will thank you!
HeartCompass Quote:
"Each difficult moment has the potential to open my eyes
and open my heart."
-Myla Kabat-Zinn
HEARTCOMPASS SECRETS: The Heartcompass Story (or My Story...)
I would like to invite you now to take a moment of your time
and read the story of how the Heartcompass LifeNavigation
process came into existence.
This story is a perfect example of how we receive inspiration,
new thoughts, and new ideas apparently "out of nowhere" when in
fact these are coming to us through the Heart.
If you've read the Heartcompass online iCourse and learned the
LifeNavigation process, you might think that I studied the Law
of Attraction, metphysical science and quantum physics extensively
before "inventing" or "creating" the Heartcompass process.
Actually, the exact opposite is true!
Although I had been introduced very briefly to the teachings of
Abraham-Hicks and the law of attraction, and learned how to make
a "vision board" when I joined a network marketing organization,
that was the total extent of my "education" at the time the
Heartcompass LifeNav process "popped" into my head. I literally
woke up one morning with the entire process complete in my head,
and I had done nothing to invent or create it myself. I had
simply expressed, through my Heart, the desire for a means to
find and choose the thoughts and beliefs that would create a life
that would make me happy.
Before I was introduced (by a well meaning friend) to Abraham, and
before I was motivated by my network marketing mentors to want
more (more money, a bigger house, better cars, travel, cloths,
financial freedom, the sky's the limit!!!) I was what we now call
an "unconscious competent" manifestor. Without knowing why or
how I did it, things I wanted just always seemed to come my way.
There was a saying amongst my friends and family members, "What
Ilana wants, Ilana gets". And it was true. And there was a bit
of bitterness and jealousy from them at times because it just
wasn't that easy for my friends and family.
Whereas they always seemed to have to work hard and settle for
what they could get, I would simply set my sights on what I wanted
and I almost always had a ton of fun in the process of getting it.
I couldn't explain how I did it, and sometimes I felt guilty or alone
because the people I was closest to were unable to experience
what was just normal life for me.
Several events then occured in my life that moved me out of the
"unconscious competent" phase and into the "conscious incompetent"
phase of deliberate life manifestation.
One event was listening to Abraham-Hicks tapes (loaned by that
well meaning friend) and learning that my thoughts create my reality.
I started to wonder at that time if I might use my thoughts to
create some of the things I had been told (by parents, teachers,
siblings, friends,the media, etc. etc. etc.) would make me happy
(even though I knew deep in my heart I never really wanted any of
those things). Things like lots and lots of money, a big house
with nice furniture and decorations, expensive cars, fancy cloths,
world travel, and all the other consumer goods we are taught to
pursue in the never ending pursuit of happiness.
The second event was joining a network marketing company, where
I attended meetings and learned that my lack of desire for all
of these wonderful things (especially money) was a symptom of
my "poverty consciousness" and could be overcome. I started to
make "vision boards" with pictures of all these things, and worked
hard at my network marketing business expecting to make a lot
of money and be able to buy all of those things.
But the "main event", which actually preceded and continued into
the Abraham and networking marketing experiences, was a failing
marriage and the critical error I made when I sought advice from
others (mom, friends, counselors) instead of doing what had
always worked for me; following my own heart.
My marriage was failing for many reasons of course, but the one
my husband complained about most at the time was what he
perceived as a constant state of "not enough money".
I did not understand this, and I told him so, because I always had
enough money for what I really wanted. So I asked him, if he
wanted more money why didn't he just go out and get more?
At first this seemed to work, because he went back to school and
got a much higher paying job with the government. But that
wasn't enough. He wanted me to make more money as well, even
though I was very happy working at a job I loved (I was a
producer at a public TV station at the time). That's what
inspired me to join the network marketing company. I would
get very rich, make my husband happy, and we would live
happily ever after (I also gave up public TV and moved into
commercial TV). This was also how I came across the Abraham
tapes. My well meaning friend, intending to help, loaned me
the tapes so I could learn how to attract lots of money,
save my marriage, and be happy again.
If you've read this far you have probably figured out by
now that none of it worked. The Abraham tapes, the vision
boards, the network marketing...all of it to try and please
my husband so he would stay with me and maintain an illusion
of a happy family that didn't even really exist. As a result
my husband did finally leave (he married a girl from the
office and together they bought a big house, nice cars, and
they go to Mexico a couple of times each year).
At the time, this seemed like the ultimate tragedy, and I
was beside myself in grief and despair. None of the stuff
I had learned had worked, and I asked "God" in desperation
to show me something that I could use to find my way and
be happy again.
That's when I woke up in the morning and had the Heartcompass
and Lifenavigation process in my head in one piece. I went
out that day and purchased the office materials (same as the
materials list in the iCourse) and started using it right
away. I didn't need any instruction. It just seemed to come
to me out of nowhere, and I did not doubt it.
At first, I used the process to work on my thoughts and
beliefs about my husband. The relief was immediate and
profound! I was able to navigate through the divorce and
separation in a way that worked for me, and allowed me
to regain some inner peace and well being.
Next, I used the process on my diagnosed PTSD (post
traumatic stress disorder). My parents are Holocaust
survivors, and when I sought counseling during the
divorce I also discovered the PTSD. Cognitive therapy
just seemed like more of "others telling me what to
think", so I opted to use the Heartcompass with incredible
effective results.
I started using the Heartcompass in all areas: health,
relationships, and "stuff" including money.
Health problems I had struggled with for many years
were resolved, my ability to empathize and have
compassion for others soared. I'm finally coming to
grips with my inner conflicts around money, and material
things we buy with money.
When I started teaching and training others, including
therapists and counselors, I was even more amazed at
the results. I watched people's lives change, watched
them become more peaceful, happy, and successful,
right before my very eyes. I had no doubt at all what
I would be doing with the rest of my life!
It was only AFTER I experienced the effectiveness of the
Heartcompass that I felt driven to learn the scientific,
spiritual, and metaphysical principles that help to
explain how it works. I LOVE learning this stuff!
But the bottom line is this:
No one, and no thing, outside your "self" (and by that
I mean your soul or spirit) can tell you who you are
and what will make you happy. The truth can only be
found within. And it cannot be found in the mind.
The mind must discover the truth in your Heart. Only
then do we move to the ultimate level of reality,
that of the "Conscious Competent" creator.
This week's tip is really short: watch the Featured Video
and hear what Gregg Braden has to say about "thoughts,
feelings, emotions, beliefs", and the role of the Heart.
Featured Video: Gregg Braden: Science of Miracles part 4/7
"Thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs"
All seven parts of this series can be watched on Youtube
and I highly recommend it! Gregg Braden's books, videos,
and audios will of course be available in the Online Mall
For A Mind With Heart, opening in early 2009.
Redirect Your Mind...
...with Inner Guidance from the Heart.
To find out more just send off an email
to myheartcompass@yahoo.com and say,
"Yes. Send me info about the LifeNav Kit
and A Mind With Heart Coaching and Training."
Next Week:
More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!
Invite a friend to join us on the journey!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They'll thank you!
Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008
Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises
Visit me at MySpace
Read Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart
Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
FREE 5 Part Online Heartcompass LifeNavigation iCourse!
"Redirect Your Mind, With Inner Guidance From The Heart"
Vol. 1 No. 21
Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the
In this week's issue -
* HeartCompass Quote
* HeartCompass Secrets: The Heartcompass Story
* LifeNavigation Tip: Watch This Week's Video
* This Week's Featured Video: Gregg Braden on The Science of Miracles.
* Pre-Made LifeNav Kits and A Mind With Heart Coaching/Training
Email myheartcompass@yahoo.com and ask for F*REE info.
* Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
If you find the tips and secrets in this issue
valuable, invite a friend to join us!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They will thank you!
HeartCompass Quote:
"Each difficult moment has the potential to open my eyes
and open my heart."
-Myla Kabat-Zinn
HEARTCOMPASS SECRETS: The Heartcompass Story (or My Story...)
I would like to invite you now to take a moment of your time
and read the story of how the Heartcompass LifeNavigation
process came into existence.
This story is a perfect example of how we receive inspiration,
new thoughts, and new ideas apparently "out of nowhere" when in
fact these are coming to us through the Heart.
If you've read the Heartcompass online iCourse and learned the
LifeNavigation process, you might think that I studied the Law
of Attraction, metphysical science and quantum physics extensively
before "inventing" or "creating" the Heartcompass process.
Actually, the exact opposite is true!
Although I had been introduced very briefly to the teachings of
Abraham-Hicks and the law of attraction, and learned how to make
a "vision board" when I joined a network marketing organization,
that was the total extent of my "education" at the time the
Heartcompass LifeNav process "popped" into my head. I literally
woke up one morning with the entire process complete in my head,
and I had done nothing to invent or create it myself. I had
simply expressed, through my Heart, the desire for a means to
find and choose the thoughts and beliefs that would create a life
that would make me happy.
Before I was introduced (by a well meaning friend) to Abraham, and
before I was motivated by my network marketing mentors to want
more (more money, a bigger house, better cars, travel, cloths,
financial freedom, the sky's the limit!!!) I was what we now call
an "unconscious competent" manifestor. Without knowing why or
how I did it, things I wanted just always seemed to come my way.
There was a saying amongst my friends and family members, "What
Ilana wants, Ilana gets". And it was true. And there was a bit
of bitterness and jealousy from them at times because it just
wasn't that easy for my friends and family.
Whereas they always seemed to have to work hard and settle for
what they could get, I would simply set my sights on what I wanted
and I almost always had a ton of fun in the process of getting it.
I couldn't explain how I did it, and sometimes I felt guilty or alone
because the people I was closest to were unable to experience
what was just normal life for me.
Several events then occured in my life that moved me out of the
"unconscious competent" phase and into the "conscious incompetent"
phase of deliberate life manifestation.
One event was listening to Abraham-Hicks tapes (loaned by that
well meaning friend) and learning that my thoughts create my reality.
I started to wonder at that time if I might use my thoughts to
create some of the things I had been told (by parents, teachers,
siblings, friends,the media, etc. etc. etc.) would make me happy
(even though I knew deep in my heart I never really wanted any of
those things). Things like lots and lots of money, a big house
with nice furniture and decorations, expensive cars, fancy cloths,
world travel, and all the other consumer goods we are taught to
pursue in the never ending pursuit of happiness.
The second event was joining a network marketing company, where
I attended meetings and learned that my lack of desire for all
of these wonderful things (especially money) was a symptom of
my "poverty consciousness" and could be overcome. I started to
make "vision boards" with pictures of all these things, and worked
hard at my network marketing business expecting to make a lot
of money and be able to buy all of those things.
But the "main event", which actually preceded and continued into
the Abraham and networking marketing experiences, was a failing
marriage and the critical error I made when I sought advice from
others (mom, friends, counselors) instead of doing what had
always worked for me; following my own heart.
My marriage was failing for many reasons of course, but the one
my husband complained about most at the time was what he
perceived as a constant state of "not enough money".
I did not understand this, and I told him so, because I always had
enough money for what I really wanted. So I asked him, if he
wanted more money why didn't he just go out and get more?
At first this seemed to work, because he went back to school and
got a much higher paying job with the government. But that
wasn't enough. He wanted me to make more money as well, even
though I was very happy working at a job I loved (I was a
producer at a public TV station at the time). That's what
inspired me to join the network marketing company. I would
get very rich, make my husband happy, and we would live
happily ever after (I also gave up public TV and moved into
commercial TV). This was also how I came across the Abraham
tapes. My well meaning friend, intending to help, loaned me
the tapes so I could learn how to attract lots of money,
save my marriage, and be happy again.
If you've read this far you have probably figured out by
now that none of it worked. The Abraham tapes, the vision
boards, the network marketing...all of it to try and please
my husband so he would stay with me and maintain an illusion
of a happy family that didn't even really exist. As a result
my husband did finally leave (he married a girl from the
office and together they bought a big house, nice cars, and
they go to Mexico a couple of times each year).
At the time, this seemed like the ultimate tragedy, and I
was beside myself in grief and despair. None of the stuff
I had learned had worked, and I asked "God" in desperation
to show me something that I could use to find my way and
be happy again.
That's when I woke up in the morning and had the Heartcompass
and Lifenavigation process in my head in one piece. I went
out that day and purchased the office materials (same as the
materials list in the iCourse) and started using it right
away. I didn't need any instruction. It just seemed to come
to me out of nowhere, and I did not doubt it.
At first, I used the process to work on my thoughts and
beliefs about my husband. The relief was immediate and
profound! I was able to navigate through the divorce and
separation in a way that worked for me, and allowed me
to regain some inner peace and well being.
Next, I used the process on my diagnosed PTSD (post
traumatic stress disorder). My parents are Holocaust
survivors, and when I sought counseling during the
divorce I also discovered the PTSD. Cognitive therapy
just seemed like more of "others telling me what to
think", so I opted to use the Heartcompass with incredible
effective results.
I started using the Heartcompass in all areas: health,
relationships, and "stuff" including money.
Health problems I had struggled with for many years
were resolved, my ability to empathize and have
compassion for others soared. I'm finally coming to
grips with my inner conflicts around money, and material
things we buy with money.
When I started teaching and training others, including
therapists and counselors, I was even more amazed at
the results. I watched people's lives change, watched
them become more peaceful, happy, and successful,
right before my very eyes. I had no doubt at all what
I would be doing with the rest of my life!
It was only AFTER I experienced the effectiveness of the
Heartcompass that I felt driven to learn the scientific,
spiritual, and metaphysical principles that help to
explain how it works. I LOVE learning this stuff!
But the bottom line is this:
No one, and no thing, outside your "self" (and by that
I mean your soul or spirit) can tell you who you are
and what will make you happy. The truth can only be
found within. And it cannot be found in the mind.
The mind must discover the truth in your Heart. Only
then do we move to the ultimate level of reality,
that of the "Conscious Competent" creator.
This week's tip is really short: watch the Featured Video
and hear what Gregg Braden has to say about "thoughts,
feelings, emotions, beliefs", and the role of the Heart.
Featured Video: Gregg Braden: Science of Miracles part 4/7
"Thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs"
All seven parts of this series can be watched on Youtube
and I highly recommend it! Gregg Braden's books, videos,
and audios will of course be available in the Online Mall
For A Mind With Heart, opening in early 2009.
Redirect Your Mind...
...with Inner Guidance from the Heart.
To find out more just send off an email
to myheartcompass@yahoo.com and say,
"Yes. Send me info about the LifeNav Kit
and A Mind With Heart Coaching and Training."
Next Week:
More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!
Invite a friend to join us on the journey!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They'll thank you!
Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008
Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises
Visit me at MySpace
Read Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart
Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
FREE 5 Part Online Heartcompass LifeNavigation iCourse!
"Redirect Your Mind, With Inner Guidance From The Heart"
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Welcome to This Week's
Vol. 1 No. 20
Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the
In this week's issue -
* HeartCompass Quote
* HeartCompass Secrets: Natural Environment of the Heart
* LifeNavigation Tip: For A Strong and Healthy Heart
* This Week's Featured Video: Heartmath:The Language of Love told by the Heart
* Pre-Made LifeNav Kits and A Mind With Heart Coaching/Training
Email myheartcompass@yahoo.com and ask for F*REE info.
* Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
If you find the tips and secrets in this issue
valuable, invite a friend to join us!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They will thank you!
HeartCompass Quote:
"The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit. The second
is to look things in the face and know them for what they are."
-- Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor
HEARTCOMPASS SECRETS: Natural Environment of the Heart
In Nature the plants, animals, rocks, water, planets and stars
all know who they really are.
But take those same beings and place them in an "unnatural"
environment, and they will forget. Domesticated animals and
animals in zoos forget how to hunt or forage for food. They
forget how to socialize with their own kind. Plants forget how
to multiply, or how to protect themselves from disease. Water
grows stale, and the stuff of stars has been used to form
weapons of massive destruction.
This happens because they have been removed from an environment
that supplies them with the information and signals they need
to know who they are and how to function. These signals are
energetic and even magnetic in nature, and can be detected and
measured with sensitive scientific instruments as well.
(be sure to watch the Featured Video!)
But what might this mean for us humans?
At first glance, it's obvious most of us have been removed from
what we call a "natural" environment and we are no longer
receiving the energetic and magnetic signals that have been
a part of human life for many thousands of years. It's possible
that this could be a factor in the experience of forgetting
who we really are. It might be a factor in the development of
a plethora of degenerative diseases. And it may be contributing
to the current epidemic of stress related mental and emotional
Humans who live close to nature often, but not always, feel
more peaceful and happy than those who do not. Others seem to
thrive in very urban environments. I know people who become
very anxious and stressed in a natural environment, and others
who can't stand to be anywhere near a city. Obviously, for humans,
there is much more than just the physical environment affecting
our mental, emotional and physical health and well-being.
Just like all living things, the cells in the human body
respond to energetic signals they receive from the environment
to know what kind of cell they are, and how to function.
But the environment of the cell in the human body is the energetic
and electromagnetic field of the heart. The human heart emits
a magnetic field that not only encompasses the body, but extends
outward farther than any instrument has yet been able to measure.
This energetic field connects to everything else in the Universe,
and it conveys energy and information to the cells. It also
send information to the brain, much more than the brain sends to
the heart.
What this means is that a human heart that is healthy and strong,
open and trusting, will send signals to the body and mind that
remind us who we really are and give us guidance so we know
what actions to take and how to function.
In the case of humans, it is not separation from nature, but
separation from our very own hearts that leads to the forgetting
of who we are and what we are here to be.
But separation is an illusion that is easily shattered by
direct experience of the truth. And this experience is created
simply by intending it. Go to your own heart with clear
intention. Let your heart know that you are ready to listen.
And you can be absolutely certain that you will find the
truth, because it has always been right there, just waiting
for you to ask. (See this week's Video below)
Oftentimes people are afraid to go to the heart for truth or
guidance because they feel pain in the heart that is being
created by beliefs they hold in their mind that are not true.
When you experience pain in the heart, use this feeling to
help you identify and let go of these false fear-based
beliefs. You can do this process in your imagination, or
you can use the LifeNavigation process you learned in the
Heartcompass online course. If you have a friend or counselor
you can trust, it might help to talk with them so you can
hear yourself think. This can help you identify the false
beliefs that are causing your heart pain.
Once you clear this pain, ask your heart for the truth.
Without the interference of false beliefs you will be able
to hear what your heart has to say. And remember, the
heart communicates in images and feelings, and sends signals
to the mind which can then translate these into words for you.
You might also choose to write down the messages your heart
sends you. This helps you remember and helps plant the
truth into your subconscious mind where it will take root
and grow.
Featured Video: The Language of Love as told by the Heart
A video about Heartmath, and the science of the heart.
The Freeze Frame technique mentioned in the video is a simple
five step process, very much like the LifeNavigation process
but without post it notes.
First, "freeze frame" the circumstance or event in your life
causing stress.
Next, close your eyes and focus on the area of your heart.
Take several deep calming breaths. Imagine you are breathing
through your heart.
Imagine a person, place, or thing that you associate good
feelings with. Get in touch with that feeling.
Go back to your heart, and ask it for the best response to
the stressful situation or event.
Listen for an answer, open your eyes, then act upon it.
This is truly a powerful and simple technique for on the spot
improvement of decision making and performance. It might
also remove false beliefs at a subconscious level. Try it
and I hope you'll let me know how it works for you.
Heartmath will be included in the upcoming Online Mall For
A Mind With Heart, opening in early 2009.
Redirect Your Mind...
...with Inner Guidance from the Heart.
I have to admit, that just like a plumber who fixes the leaky
faucet in his or her own home last, I sometimes put myself
last when it comes to using the LifeNavigation Kits that I
build. But I've been using mine regularly lately, and, well,
it's awesome! If you like, I can send you a Kit and teach
you how to use it, too.
To find out more just send off an email
to myheartcompass@yahoo.com and say,
"Yes. Send me info about the LifeNav Kit
and A Mind With Heart Coaching and Training."
Next Week:
More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!
Invite a friend to join us on the journey!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They'll thank you!
Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008
Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises
Visit me at MySpace
Read Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart
Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
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"Redirect Your Mind, With Inner Guidance From The Heart"
Vol. 1 No. 20
Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the
In this week's issue -
* HeartCompass Quote
* HeartCompass Secrets: Natural Environment of the Heart
* LifeNavigation Tip: For A Strong and Healthy Heart
* This Week's Featured Video: Heartmath:The Language of Love told by the Heart
* Pre-Made LifeNav Kits and A Mind With Heart Coaching/Training
Email myheartcompass@yahoo.com and ask for F*REE info.
* Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
If you find the tips and secrets in this issue
valuable, invite a friend to join us!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They will thank you!
HeartCompass Quote:
"The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit. The second
is to look things in the face and know them for what they are."
-- Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor
HEARTCOMPASS SECRETS: Natural Environment of the Heart
In Nature the plants, animals, rocks, water, planets and stars
all know who they really are.
But take those same beings and place them in an "unnatural"
environment, and they will forget. Domesticated animals and
animals in zoos forget how to hunt or forage for food. They
forget how to socialize with their own kind. Plants forget how
to multiply, or how to protect themselves from disease. Water
grows stale, and the stuff of stars has been used to form
weapons of massive destruction.
This happens because they have been removed from an environment
that supplies them with the information and signals they need
to know who they are and how to function. These signals are
energetic and even magnetic in nature, and can be detected and
measured with sensitive scientific instruments as well.
(be sure to watch the Featured Video!)
But what might this mean for us humans?
At first glance, it's obvious most of us have been removed from
what we call a "natural" environment and we are no longer
receiving the energetic and magnetic signals that have been
a part of human life for many thousands of years. It's possible
that this could be a factor in the experience of forgetting
who we really are. It might be a factor in the development of
a plethora of degenerative diseases. And it may be contributing
to the current epidemic of stress related mental and emotional
Humans who live close to nature often, but not always, feel
more peaceful and happy than those who do not. Others seem to
thrive in very urban environments. I know people who become
very anxious and stressed in a natural environment, and others
who can't stand to be anywhere near a city. Obviously, for humans,
there is much more than just the physical environment affecting
our mental, emotional and physical health and well-being.
Just like all living things, the cells in the human body
respond to energetic signals they receive from the environment
to know what kind of cell they are, and how to function.
But the environment of the cell in the human body is the energetic
and electromagnetic field of the heart. The human heart emits
a magnetic field that not only encompasses the body, but extends
outward farther than any instrument has yet been able to measure.
This energetic field connects to everything else in the Universe,
and it conveys energy and information to the cells. It also
send information to the brain, much more than the brain sends to
the heart.
What this means is that a human heart that is healthy and strong,
open and trusting, will send signals to the body and mind that
remind us who we really are and give us guidance so we know
what actions to take and how to function.
In the case of humans, it is not separation from nature, but
separation from our very own hearts that leads to the forgetting
of who we are and what we are here to be.
But separation is an illusion that is easily shattered by
direct experience of the truth. And this experience is created
simply by intending it. Go to your own heart with clear
intention. Let your heart know that you are ready to listen.
And you can be absolutely certain that you will find the
truth, because it has always been right there, just waiting
for you to ask. (See this week's Video below)
Oftentimes people are afraid to go to the heart for truth or
guidance because they feel pain in the heart that is being
created by beliefs they hold in their mind that are not true.
When you experience pain in the heart, use this feeling to
help you identify and let go of these false fear-based
beliefs. You can do this process in your imagination, or
you can use the LifeNavigation process you learned in the
Heartcompass online course. If you have a friend or counselor
you can trust, it might help to talk with them so you can
hear yourself think. This can help you identify the false
beliefs that are causing your heart pain.
Once you clear this pain, ask your heart for the truth.
Without the interference of false beliefs you will be able
to hear what your heart has to say. And remember, the
heart communicates in images and feelings, and sends signals
to the mind which can then translate these into words for you.
You might also choose to write down the messages your heart
sends you. This helps you remember and helps plant the
truth into your subconscious mind where it will take root
and grow.
Featured Video: The Language of Love as told by the Heart
A video about Heartmath, and the science of the heart.
The Freeze Frame technique mentioned in the video is a simple
five step process, very much like the LifeNavigation process
but without post it notes.
First, "freeze frame" the circumstance or event in your life
causing stress.
Next, close your eyes and focus on the area of your heart.
Take several deep calming breaths. Imagine you are breathing
through your heart.
Imagine a person, place, or thing that you associate good
feelings with. Get in touch with that feeling.
Go back to your heart, and ask it for the best response to
the stressful situation or event.
Listen for an answer, open your eyes, then act upon it.
This is truly a powerful and simple technique for on the spot
improvement of decision making and performance. It might
also remove false beliefs at a subconscious level. Try it
and I hope you'll let me know how it works for you.
Heartmath will be included in the upcoming Online Mall For
A Mind With Heart, opening in early 2009.
Redirect Your Mind...
...with Inner Guidance from the Heart.
I have to admit, that just like a plumber who fixes the leaky
faucet in his or her own home last, I sometimes put myself
last when it comes to using the LifeNavigation Kits that I
build. But I've been using mine regularly lately, and, well,
it's awesome! If you like, I can send you a Kit and teach
you how to use it, too.
To find out more just send off an email
to myheartcompass@yahoo.com and say,
"Yes. Send me info about the LifeNav Kit
and A Mind With Heart Coaching and Training."
Next Week:
More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!
Invite a friend to join us on the journey!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They'll thank you!
Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008
Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises
Visit me at MySpace
Read Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart
Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
FREE 5 Part Online Heartcompass LifeNavigation iCourse!
"Redirect Your Mind, With Inner Guidance From The Heart"
Friday, December 5, 2008
What greater gift could you possibly give yourself and the ones you love this Holiday Season than to Intend Global Healing?!
Make this the best Holiday Season ever. I search the Internet high and low for Heart centered content and offerings, and I found this recorded weekly webcast by Nan Akasha. The first ten minutes are "taking care of business" stuff, followed by 20 minutes of guided meditation that will open your Heart and help you create a happy, stress free and abundant celebration this year.
Just click the links below to go to the recording, and/or to join the Intend Global Healing Circle.
Note: these are not affiliate links, yet. The Online Store For A Mind With Heart will be opening early in 2009, and it will include Nan's work, and lots of other stuff I've found in my daily explorations. I just wanted to get this to you in time for the Holidays as a gift to you.
INTEND GLOBAL HEALING Recorded Webcast from Thursday December 4,2008
" Join the Circle at IntendGlobalHealing.com by Nan Akasha"
Ilana Moss
Heartcompass Enterprises
A Mind With Heart
Make this the best Holiday Season ever. I search the Internet high and low for Heart centered content and offerings, and I found this recorded weekly webcast by Nan Akasha. The first ten minutes are "taking care of business" stuff, followed by 20 minutes of guided meditation that will open your Heart and help you create a happy, stress free and abundant celebration this year.
Just click the links below to go to the recording, and/or to join the Intend Global Healing Circle.
Note: these are not affiliate links, yet. The Online Store For A Mind With Heart will be opening early in 2009, and it will include Nan's work, and lots of other stuff I've found in my daily explorations. I just wanted to get this to you in time for the Holidays as a gift to you.
INTEND GLOBAL HEALING Recorded Webcast from Thursday December 4,2008
" Join the Circle at IntendGlobalHealing.com by Nan Akasha"
Ilana Moss
Heartcompass Enterprises
A Mind With Heart
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Welcome to This Week's
Vol. 1 No. 19
Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the
In this week's issue -
* HeartCompass Quote
* HeartCompass Secrets: Truth Is In The Heart
* LifeNavigation Tip: Be Happy Now
* This Week's Featured Video: Must Watch If You Have A Heart
* Pre-Made LifeNav Kits and A Mind With Heart Coaching/Training
Email myheartcompass@yahoo.com and ask for F*REE info.
* Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
If you find the tips and secrets in this issue
valuable, invite a friend to join us!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They will thank you!
HeartCompass Quote:
"Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now.
Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you
happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time
you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family.
Every minute should be enjoyed and savored."
Earl Nightingale
1921-1989, Radio Announcer, Author and Speaker
I don't live in a house that costs 5 million dollars.
I don't drive a different car each day that costs more than
most people's homes.
And I don't fly from city to city in my private jet.
I used to believe that those objective facts disqualified me
from teaching anything that had to do with metaphysics, spirituality,
and manifestation of the physical.
But the Truth is...in my Heart, I never ever wanted those things!
I love nature. I love being close to the earth and it's creatures.
I always have. And because of that, my Heart and Mind have always
led me to experiences and physical manifestations that fulfill
those longings, and that love.
When I was a little girl, growing up in the city of Detroit,
Michigan, I dreamed of living in a cabin in the woods, and being
a writer. Well, guess what? I live in a 250 square foot cabin
in the woods, and I'm a writer! Fortunately, I'm in Southern
Oregon where the winters are a good deal milder than they are
in Michigan. I really don't like being THAT cold!
And what about money?
The three Big Issues (we've been told) in human happiness are
relationships, health, and money.
But research has proven that money and possessions don't correlate
with measures of human happiness. And relationships? The greatest
source of drama in human existence is in relationships. To expect
people to "make us happy" is a recipe for disaster. And how many
people with terminal illnesses will tell you that getting sick
was the greatest gift they ever received (because it made them
aware of their mortality, and the urgency to appreciate every
The honest Truth is that I could never tell you how to manifest
money, or anything else in your life, and neither can anyone else.
Wow. OK,take a deep breath. I realize that is NOT what we've been
hearing in today's metaphysical, quantum physics, spiritual guru
world. Those with money will tell you that, yes, they can show
you how to "attract" it, or "manifest" it, or "intend" it, or
They really do believe this, because they did it, and so obviously
they should be able to show you how.
I ask you this...Just because Tiger Woods is perhaps the greatest
golf pro ever, does that mean he can teach you how to be one as
How many of you out there are driving yourselves crazy, trying
to learn something from someone who's done it, who claims they
can teach you how if you just follow the hundred easy steps
that they took?
It doesn't matter what steps they took!
What matters is this...what is in your Heart and in your Mind
is what MATTERS (literally, becomes matter).
And no one, no one, knows what's in your Heart, except YOU.
You might still believe that if you had millions of dollars,
found your soul mate, or lost twenty pounds you would finally
be happy. But the Truth is, absolutely nothing outside your
self can "make you happy."
Happiness is a feeling you experience when your Heart and
your Mind are pointed in the direction of Truth. It's like
having a compass and a map. You know who you are, which
direction you are heading, and understanding that where you
are right now is All there really Is.
Maybe I'm being selfish, but I want to be happy right now.
Not next year, when I've made my first million or married my
soul mate or lost that stubborn belly fat.
OK, I'm looking forward to having all of that, too. But my
number one priority is to be happy. Because when I'm feeling
happiness, I know my Mind is being directed by my Heart, and
my Heart knows what I really want.
If you want to experience what it feels like to have a Mind
with Heart try this simple experiment:
Next time you find yourself feeling anything less than happy,
take a moment and close your eyes. Take several deep, slow
breaths. Focus on the area of your Heart, and imagine you
are breathing in and out through that area. Now, ask your Heart
this simple question: "Who Am I?" Breathe deeply, and wait for
the feelings and images to arise. The Heart doesn't use words.
When you start to get a warm feeling of Love, Joy, Peace and
Light you will know you've received your answer. That is
who you really are, but only you can experience it.
Try this when you find yourself thinking fear-based negative
thoughts. Go to your Heart, and ask for the Truth.
Featured Video: Must Watch If You Have A Heart
A little something to warm your Heart...
remember, the Heart "talks" with feelings and images.
The opinions expressed in this video belong to Matrix Mindset
and are not necessarily those of Heartcompass Enterprises.
Redirect Your Mind...
...with Inner Guidance from the Heart.
I have to admit, that just like a plumber who fixes the leaky
faucet in his or her own home last, I sometimes put myself
last when it comes to using the LifeNavigation Kits that I
build. But I've been using mine regularly lately, and, well,
it's awesome! If you like, I can send you a Kit and teach
you how to use it, too.
To find out more just send off an email
to myheartcompass@yahoo.com and say,
"Yes. Send me info about the LifeNav Kit
and A Mind With Heart Coaching and Training."
Next Week:
More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!
Invite a friend to join us on the journey!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They'll thank you!
Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008
Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises
Visit me at MySpace
Read Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart
Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
FREE 5 Part Online Heartcompass LifeNavigation iCourse!
"Redirect Your Mind, With Inner Guidance From The Heart"
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