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The Ultimate Question: Living From The Heart
Larry Napier
and LifeNavigation Tips is a newsletter produced by Heartcompass Enterprises and the Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart.
To learn more visit Metaphysics-for-Life.com!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Welcome to This Week's
Vol. 1 No. 14
Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the
In this week's issue -
* HeartCompass Quote
* HeartCompass Secrets: Life Is Movement
* LifeNavigation Tip: Experience Life
* Featured Video: The Ultimate Question: Living From The Heart
* Pre-Made LifeNav Kits and A Mind With Heart Coaching/Training
Email myheartcompass@yahoo.com for F*REE info.
* Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
If you find the tips and secrets in this issue
valuable, invite a friend to join us!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They will thank you!
HeartCompass Quote:
"The only thing that matters
is what is in your Heart."
Larry Napier
Living From The Heart
Bruce Lipton, author of "Biology of Belief", is a neuroscientist
who discovered that our fate is not detemined by our genes.
Our DNA, genetics, or "genes", are blueprints of information,
waiting to be put into motion by signals from the environment.
The nature of the signal received detemines which genes or DNA
sequences are activated, and that determines what kind of cells
are reproduced.
Bruce Lipton said, "Life is movement." He said this because he
discovered that it is only when protein molecules, the building
blocks of life, are "moved" or "activated" by environmental
signals that life processes can occur (and, by the way, that
includes thinking and feeling!).
One of the most powerful and perhaps meaningful sources of "signals"
from the environment comes from the Heart. The HeartMath Institute
is a scientific community that has done extensive research on the
Heart, and has developed many useful products and educational
programs to relieve stress and enhance human performance.
One of HeartMath's most important discoveries was the detection
of the magnetic field generated by the Heart, which completely
surrounds the human body. Even more interesting has been the
discovery that this magnetic field is much larger, and more
powerful, than the magnetic field generated by the brain.
The Heart is constantly sending "signals" to the body (including
the brain) that activates the movement of cells in the body
that brings about the processes of life. It is NOT the brain
that is creating this motion, it is the Heart.
Larry Napier (Living From The Heart) says, "The head thinks,
and the Heart moves you." You can test this for yourself.
Here's how I started exploring this phenomena;
I was lying in bed one morning, having just awoken,
and I was about to get out of bed. But before I did, I decided
to try a little experiment.
In my head, I thought about getting out of bed,
putting on my slippers, going to the kitchen, and making a
pot of coffee. In my head I could imagine and see this clearly.
But no matter how hard I tried, I could not make myself get
out of bed and carry out these activities by directing my body
with my mind.
Next, I got out of bed and did the things I had imagined.
I paid attention to my body to try and figure out where
the source of motion was coming from.
At first, I really had no idea. It just seemed to happen on its own.
But I knew this wasn't possible. Something was moving and directing
my body to get out of bed and make coffee, but what was it?
When I listened to Larry Napier give his lecture on the Heart,
it suddenly became obvious. I put my attention on my Heart,
and felt what happened when I lifted my hand off my desk. The
signals to move my hand were clearly coming from the Heart.
I could feel the energy in my Heart as my hand moved.
This, to me, was an exciting discovery! I could think and plan
and contemplate all day with my head, but it's the Heart that
causes movement, and Movement Is Life!
Your Heart really IS the source of your life. To live life to
the fullest, to experience all the joy and happiness that can
be yours, you really must know what is in your Heart. Knowing
what is in your Heart gives direction to your Mind, and creates
life that is based on Love.
The choices you make, the actions you take, and the events and
circumstances you experience in the physical world, are a result
of what is in your Heart.
If you think fear-based thoughts, and fill your Heart with fear,
then you will experience fear-based choices, actions, and events.
But if you allow your Heart to take its rightful place, directing
the Mind, and filling it with Love-based thoughts, then you will
experience Loving choices, actions, and events. You will
experience happiness, health, joy, and prosperity in every area
of your life. You will experience Life.
Using the Heartcompass processes can help you discover what is
in your Heart, identify and let go of fear-based thinking, and
allow the Heart to fill your Mind with Love-based thought.
If your Heart moves you, I hope you will take these actions.
I hope you experience LIFE.
Featured Video: Ultimate Question: Living From The Heart
Redirect Your Mind...
...with Inner Guidance from the Heart.
Pre-made LifeNavigation Kits and Coaching are available to meet
the needs of your busy lifestyle. To get yours click the
link below and put "LifeNav Kit" in the subject line. You will
receive information about what's in the Kit, about one-on-one
coaching/training with Ilana Moss, cost and payment options,
and more...
Information is no cost and no obligation.
"Yes, send me info about the Heartcompass LifeNav
Kit and Coaching/Training"
Email: myheartcompass@yahoo.com
Next Week:
More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!
Invite a friend to join us on the journey!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They'll thank you!
Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008
Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises
Visit me at MySpace
Read Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart
Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
FREE 5 Part Online Heartcompass LifeNavigation iCourse!
"Redirect Your Mind, With Inner Guidance From The Heart"
Vol. 1 No. 14
Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the
In this week's issue -
* HeartCompass Quote
* HeartCompass Secrets: Life Is Movement
* LifeNavigation Tip: Experience Life
* Featured Video: The Ultimate Question: Living From The Heart
* Pre-Made LifeNav Kits and A Mind With Heart Coaching/Training
Email myheartcompass@yahoo.com for F*REE info.
* Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
If you find the tips and secrets in this issue
valuable, invite a friend to join us!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They will thank you!
HeartCompass Quote:
"The only thing that matters
is what is in your Heart."
Larry Napier
Living From The Heart
Bruce Lipton, author of "Biology of Belief", is a neuroscientist
who discovered that our fate is not detemined by our genes.
Our DNA, genetics, or "genes", are blueprints of information,
waiting to be put into motion by signals from the environment.
The nature of the signal received detemines which genes or DNA
sequences are activated, and that determines what kind of cells
are reproduced.
Bruce Lipton said, "Life is movement." He said this because he
discovered that it is only when protein molecules, the building
blocks of life, are "moved" or "activated" by environmental
signals that life processes can occur (and, by the way, that
includes thinking and feeling!).
One of the most powerful and perhaps meaningful sources of "signals"
from the environment comes from the Heart. The HeartMath Institute
is a scientific community that has done extensive research on the
Heart, and has developed many useful products and educational
programs to relieve stress and enhance human performance.
One of HeartMath's most important discoveries was the detection
of the magnetic field generated by the Heart, which completely
surrounds the human body. Even more interesting has been the
discovery that this magnetic field is much larger, and more
powerful, than the magnetic field generated by the brain.
The Heart is constantly sending "signals" to the body (including
the brain) that activates the movement of cells in the body
that brings about the processes of life. It is NOT the brain
that is creating this motion, it is the Heart.
Larry Napier (Living From The Heart) says, "The head thinks,
and the Heart moves you." You can test this for yourself.
Here's how I started exploring this phenomena;
I was lying in bed one morning, having just awoken,
and I was about to get out of bed. But before I did, I decided
to try a little experiment.
In my head, I thought about getting out of bed,
putting on my slippers, going to the kitchen, and making a
pot of coffee. In my head I could imagine and see this clearly.
But no matter how hard I tried, I could not make myself get
out of bed and carry out these activities by directing my body
with my mind.
Next, I got out of bed and did the things I had imagined.
I paid attention to my body to try and figure out where
the source of motion was coming from.
At first, I really had no idea. It just seemed to happen on its own.
But I knew this wasn't possible. Something was moving and directing
my body to get out of bed and make coffee, but what was it?
When I listened to Larry Napier give his lecture on the Heart,
it suddenly became obvious. I put my attention on my Heart,
and felt what happened when I lifted my hand off my desk. The
signals to move my hand were clearly coming from the Heart.
I could feel the energy in my Heart as my hand moved.
This, to me, was an exciting discovery! I could think and plan
and contemplate all day with my head, but it's the Heart that
causes movement, and Movement Is Life!
Your Heart really IS the source of your life. To live life to
the fullest, to experience all the joy and happiness that can
be yours, you really must know what is in your Heart. Knowing
what is in your Heart gives direction to your Mind, and creates
life that is based on Love.
The choices you make, the actions you take, and the events and
circumstances you experience in the physical world, are a result
of what is in your Heart.
If you think fear-based thoughts, and fill your Heart with fear,
then you will experience fear-based choices, actions, and events.
But if you allow your Heart to take its rightful place, directing
the Mind, and filling it with Love-based thoughts, then you will
experience Loving choices, actions, and events. You will
experience happiness, health, joy, and prosperity in every area
of your life. You will experience Life.
Using the Heartcompass processes can help you discover what is
in your Heart, identify and let go of fear-based thinking, and
allow the Heart to fill your Mind with Love-based thought.
If your Heart moves you, I hope you will take these actions.
I hope you experience LIFE.
Featured Video: Ultimate Question: Living From The Heart
Redirect Your Mind...
...with Inner Guidance from the Heart.
Pre-made LifeNavigation Kits and Coaching are available to meet
the needs of your busy lifestyle. To get yours click the
link below and put "LifeNav Kit" in the subject line. You will
receive information about what's in the Kit, about one-on-one
coaching/training with Ilana Moss, cost and payment options,
and more...
Information is no cost and no obligation.
"Yes, send me info about the Heartcompass LifeNav
Kit and Coaching/Training"
Email: myheartcompass@yahoo.com
Next Week:
More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!
Invite a friend to join us on the journey!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They'll thank you!
Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008
Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises
Visit me at MySpace
Read Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart
Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
FREE 5 Part Online Heartcompass LifeNavigation iCourse!
"Redirect Your Mind, With Inner Guidance From The Heart"
Monday, October 20, 2008
Welcome to This Week's
Vol. 1 No. 13
Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the
In this week's issue -
* HeartCompass Quote
* HeartCompass Secrets: What Is Happiness?
* LifeNavigation Tip: Find Truth In Your Heart
* Pre-Made LifeNav Kits and A Mind With Heart Coaching/Training
(email myheartcompass@yahoo.com for F*REE info)
* Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
If you find the tips and secrets in this issue
valuable, invite a friend to join us!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They will thank you!
HeartCompass Quote:
"Happiness is a direction, not a place."
Sydney J. Harris
Your Heartcompass is there to tell you, in any moment, whether
the direction of thought you have chosen (or stumbled upon, as
the case may be) is On or Off Course for you.
Happiness is that feeling your Heart will send to you when
you are choosing thought (whether in the form of words, images,
or just a state of being) that is pointing you in the "direction"
of Truth.
Truth is your highest Self.
Your "highest" Self, or what I prefer to call the highest aspect
of Self (because it is all one, continuous "Self" after all)
is with you constantly, always available to give the guidance
and direction you might need as you navigate life in what we
call the physical Universe.
The highest aspect of Self IS Happiness.
That is why, whenever you point yourself in the direction of
Love, Life, Truth and Light (the qualities of the highest aspect
of Self) you will feel Happiness.
Without this guidance, you would exist in a sea of possibilities
without a clue as to which direction to take. When you let
your Heartcompass guide you, when you listen to the signals it
is sending you, you can experience a sense of confidence,
peace, and safety that is otherwise not available to you.
If it is Happiness you desire, then remember that what you are
seeking is the highest aspect of your Self...your spirit, or
your Soul as you may call it. Point your mind in the direction
of Truth, and you will always be heading in the direction of
Happiness, and peace, and Love, and joy.
One of my teacher's once said that FAITH stands for "Find
Answers In The Heart".
The Heart is where we can turn to discover whether what is in
our mind is based on Truth, or on illusion.
What is in your mind is being mirrored back to you in the
physical Universe. If what you see is beauty, peace, abundance
and Love, then you can be sure that this is a reflection of what
you hold in your own mind. Just be careful to remind yourself
that your mind is creating the reflection, and not the other way
around. Even more importantly, be careful to remind yourself
that it is You that has given your mind its direction, and not
the other way around!
If what you see is anything less than joyful, peaceful,
and Loving, then you can be sure that the the thoughts in
your mind are based on illusions, or what is not Truth,
and therefore away from your highest Self and therefore
away from Happiness.
The purpose of your physical experience is simply this:
to remember Who and What you Really Are, and to know once and
for all time that separation is an illusion. You already
know this. You are here to experience what you already know!
Recognize any fear-based, unhappy thoughts as the lies that they
are. Then, ask your Heart for the Truth. It will be Happy to
tell you!
Redirect Your Mind...
...with Inner Guidance from the Heart.
Pre-made LifeNavigation Kits and Coaching are available to meet
the needs of your busy lifestyle. To get yours click the
link below and put "LifeNav Kit" in the subject line. You will
receive information about what's in the Kit, about one-on-one
coaching/training with Ilana Moss, cost and payment options,
and more...
Information is no cost and no obligation.
"Yes. Send me info about the LifeNav Kit and A Mind With Heart
Coaching and Training." (click here): myheartcompass@yahoo.com
Next Week:
More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!
Invite a friend to join us on the journey!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They'll thank you!
Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008
Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises
Visit me at MySpace
Read Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart
Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
FREE 5 Part Online Heartcompass LifeNavigation iCourse!
"Redirect Your Mind, With Inner Guidance From The Heart"
Vol. 1 No. 13
Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the
In this week's issue -
* HeartCompass Quote
* HeartCompass Secrets: What Is Happiness?
* LifeNavigation Tip: Find Truth In Your Heart
* Pre-Made LifeNav Kits and A Mind With Heart Coaching/Training
(email myheartcompass@yahoo.com for F*REE info)
* Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
If you find the tips and secrets in this issue
valuable, invite a friend to join us!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They will thank you!
HeartCompass Quote:
"Happiness is a direction, not a place."
Sydney J. Harris
Your Heartcompass is there to tell you, in any moment, whether
the direction of thought you have chosen (or stumbled upon, as
the case may be) is On or Off Course for you.
Happiness is that feeling your Heart will send to you when
you are choosing thought (whether in the form of words, images,
or just a state of being) that is pointing you in the "direction"
of Truth.
Truth is your highest Self.
Your "highest" Self, or what I prefer to call the highest aspect
of Self (because it is all one, continuous "Self" after all)
is with you constantly, always available to give the guidance
and direction you might need as you navigate life in what we
call the physical Universe.
The highest aspect of Self IS Happiness.
That is why, whenever you point yourself in the direction of
Love, Life, Truth and Light (the qualities of the highest aspect
of Self) you will feel Happiness.
Without this guidance, you would exist in a sea of possibilities
without a clue as to which direction to take. When you let
your Heartcompass guide you, when you listen to the signals it
is sending you, you can experience a sense of confidence,
peace, and safety that is otherwise not available to you.
If it is Happiness you desire, then remember that what you are
seeking is the highest aspect of your Self...your spirit, or
your Soul as you may call it. Point your mind in the direction
of Truth, and you will always be heading in the direction of
Happiness, and peace, and Love, and joy.
One of my teacher's once said that FAITH stands for "Find
Answers In The Heart".
The Heart is where we can turn to discover whether what is in
our mind is based on Truth, or on illusion.
What is in your mind is being mirrored back to you in the
physical Universe. If what you see is beauty, peace, abundance
and Love, then you can be sure that this is a reflection of what
you hold in your own mind. Just be careful to remind yourself
that your mind is creating the reflection, and not the other way
around. Even more importantly, be careful to remind yourself
that it is You that has given your mind its direction, and not
the other way around!
If what you see is anything less than joyful, peaceful,
and Loving, then you can be sure that the the thoughts in
your mind are based on illusions, or what is not Truth,
and therefore away from your highest Self and therefore
away from Happiness.
The purpose of your physical experience is simply this:
to remember Who and What you Really Are, and to know once and
for all time that separation is an illusion. You already
know this. You are here to experience what you already know!
Recognize any fear-based, unhappy thoughts as the lies that they
are. Then, ask your Heart for the Truth. It will be Happy to
tell you!
Redirect Your Mind...
...with Inner Guidance from the Heart.
Pre-made LifeNavigation Kits and Coaching are available to meet
the needs of your busy lifestyle. To get yours click the
link below and put "LifeNav Kit" in the subject line. You will
receive information about what's in the Kit, about one-on-one
coaching/training with Ilana Moss, cost and payment options,
and more...
Information is no cost and no obligation.
"Yes. Send me info about the LifeNav Kit and A Mind With Heart
Coaching and Training." (click here): myheartcompass@yahoo.com
Next Week:
More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!
Invite a friend to join us on the journey!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They'll thank you!
Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008
Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises
Visit me at MySpace
Read Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart
Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
FREE 5 Part Online Heartcompass LifeNavigation iCourse!
"Redirect Your Mind, With Inner Guidance From The Heart"
Monday, October 13, 2008
Welcome to This Week's
Vol. 1 No. 12
Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the
In this week's issue -
* HeartCompass Quote
* HeartCompass Secrets: Transformation
* LifeNavigation Tip: When It's Time To "Pupate"
* Recommended Link: Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart
* Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
If you find the tips and secrets in this issue
valuable, invite a friend to join us!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They will thank you!
HeartCompass Quote:
"In times of change, learners inherit the Earth,
while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped
to deal with a world that no longer exists."
-- Eric Hoffer
Normally I like to write and publish the Heartcompass Secrets
on a Saturday. But for some reason I felt it "wasn't ready",
so I waited.
I checked my email, and wouldn't you know it... there were three
or four emails, all about meditation and transformation!
(I learned that "transform" means to "go beyond" (trans) form.)
If you read the last issue of Secrets and Tips you recall it was
about the spiritual metaphor of the butterfly life cycle.
If you didn't read it, I raised thousands of butterflies over
the course of three years, and became very intimate with this
particular metaphor.
The life cycle itself is a circle (perfect wholeness), the egg
is like the child (depends on parents for guidance), the
caterpillar is the Ego stage (eating!), the pupa is the time
for surrender and transformation, and the butterfly emerges!
Last week I emphasized the caterpillar, or Ego stage.
This stage is very well supported in modern western culture. It's
all about consuming. We all live in an economy where people are
defined and seen as "consumers". And in the Ego stage that is,
in fact, what we must do. (It's not what we are, but it is what
we do in this phase.)
But what happens when the caterpillar is done eating? Where do
we go, and what can we do when we get that "been there, done that,
what's missing?" feeling?
In Elizabeth Gilbert's novel "Eat, Pray, Love" (available online
at Amazon) she describes her own year-long journey where she seems
to embody the spiritual transformation I witnessed over and over
again in the butterflies. First, she goes to Italy and EATS all
the good food she can find (and gains 24 pounds in four months!).
Then, she goes to India, lives in an Ashram, and "pupates" (my
term, not hers) or MEDITATES and PRAYS. Finally, she goes to the
beautiful island of Bali, and there she "emerges and spreads
her wings" (as I see it) and finds LOVE.
It's a good story, and I enjoyed the book. But for me it raises
the question...
most of us in modern society have money to consume
things, but how many of us can drop everything for several months
and live in an Ashram? (that is, pupate?) One week vacations might
give us a break from work, but they are still consumer oriented.
When it's time to hang ourselves upside down, shed our skin,
and let God turn us into mush and then butterflies...what are we
supposed to DO??
In western culture, the need to transform can sometimes lead to
crisis...divorce, loss of a job or home, illness, etc.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
It is possible, and I think preferable, to be aware of the need
to "pupate" when the time comes, and to take steps to let this
happen, while maintaining a healthy and reasonable lifestyle.
Some people use meditation, and have found ways to incorporate
a time-consuming discipline into busy lives. Others use sound
and sacred geometry, listening to CD's and/or watching animated
geometric shapes. The Institute of Heartmath has created
effective tools to use on the computer, to help people still
the mind and access the Heart.
The Heartcompass LifeNavigation system was created to meet the
needs of busy people, living in an Ego oriented, caterpillar
supporting world. When I first introduced the System, it utilized
journaling. When I received feedback that this was too time
consuming, I asked my own inner guidance what else could be done?
One morning, I woke up and the LifeNavigation Kit was in my head,
fully formed. I went out and bought the parts, started using it,
tried it on friends and family, and the results were, without
exception, extraordinary.
You can take the online Course, put together your own Kit, and
start using it right away. But if you prefer some help and
support, or have a busy lifesyle, premade Kits and one-on-one
Teaching/Training are available...
Redirect Your Mind...
...with Inner Guidance from the Heart.
Pre-made LifeNavigation Kits and Coaching are available to meet
the needs of your busy lifestyle. To get yours click the
link below and put "LifeNav Kit" in the subject line. You will
receive information about what's in the Kit, about one-on-one
coaching/training with Ilana Moss, cost and payment options,
and more...
"Send me info about the LifeNav Kit and Coaching/Training by Ilana"
click here: myheartcompass@yahoo.com
Information is no cost and no obligation, and it only takes a moment:
Next Week:
More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!
Invite a friend to join us on the journey!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They'll thank you!
Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008
Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises
Visit me at MySpace
Read Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart
Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
FREE 5 Part Online Heartcompass LifeNavigation iCourse!
"Redirect Your Mind, With Inner Guidance From The Heart"
Vol. 1 No. 12
Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the
In this week's issue -
* HeartCompass Quote
* HeartCompass Secrets: Transformation
* LifeNavigation Tip: When It's Time To "Pupate"
* Recommended Link: Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart
* Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
If you find the tips and secrets in this issue
valuable, invite a friend to join us!
Forward this newsletter, or send this link
and invite them to subscribe. They will thank you!
HeartCompass Quote:
"In times of change, learners inherit the Earth,
while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped
to deal with a world that no longer exists."
-- Eric Hoffer
Normally I like to write and publish the Heartcompass Secrets
on a Saturday. But for some reason I felt it "wasn't ready",
so I waited.
I checked my email, and wouldn't you know it... there were three
or four emails, all about meditation and transformation!
(I learned that "transform" means to "go beyond" (trans) form.)
If you read the last issue of Secrets and Tips you recall it was
about the spiritual metaphor of the butterfly life cycle.
If you didn't read it, I raised thousands of butterflies over
the course of three years, and became very intimate with this
particular metaphor.
The life cycle itself is a circle (perfect wholeness), the egg
is like the child (depends on parents for guidance), the
caterpillar is the Ego stage (eating!), the pupa is the time
for surrender and transformation, and the butterfly emerges!
Last week I emphasized the caterpillar, or Ego stage.
This stage is very well supported in modern western culture. It's
all about consuming. We all live in an economy where people are
defined and seen as "consumers". And in the Ego stage that is,
in fact, what we must do. (It's not what we are, but it is what
we do in this phase.)
But what happens when the caterpillar is done eating? Where do
we go, and what can we do when we get that "been there, done that,
what's missing?" feeling?
In Elizabeth Gilbert's novel "Eat, Pray, Love" (available online
at Amazon) she describes her own year-long journey where she seems
to embody the spiritual transformation I witnessed over and over
again in the butterflies. First, she goes to Italy and EATS all
the good food she can find (and gains 24 pounds in four months!).
Then, she goes to India, lives in an Ashram, and "pupates" (my
term, not hers) or MEDITATES and PRAYS. Finally, she goes to the
beautiful island of Bali, and there she "emerges and spreads
her wings" (as I see it) and finds LOVE.
It's a good story, and I enjoyed the book. But for me it raises
the question...
most of us in modern society have money to consume
things, but how many of us can drop everything for several months
and live in an Ashram? (that is, pupate?) One week vacations might
give us a break from work, but they are still consumer oriented.
When it's time to hang ourselves upside down, shed our skin,
and let God turn us into mush and then butterflies...what are we
supposed to DO??
In western culture, the need to transform can sometimes lead to
crisis...divorce, loss of a job or home, illness, etc.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
It is possible, and I think preferable, to be aware of the need
to "pupate" when the time comes, and to take steps to let this
happen, while maintaining a healthy and reasonable lifestyle.
Some people use meditation, and have found ways to incorporate
a time-consuming discipline into busy lives. Others use sound
and sacred geometry, listening to CD's and/or watching animated
geometric shapes. The Institute of Heartmath has created
effective tools to use on the computer, to help people still
the mind and access the Heart.
The Heartcompass LifeNavigation system was created to meet the
needs of busy people, living in an Ego oriented, caterpillar
supporting world. When I first introduced the System, it utilized
journaling. When I received feedback that this was too time
consuming, I asked my own inner guidance what else could be done?
One morning, I woke up and the LifeNavigation Kit was in my head,
fully formed. I went out and bought the parts, started using it,
tried it on friends and family, and the results were, without
exception, extraordinary.
You can take the online Course, put together your own Kit, and
start using it right away. But if you prefer some help and
support, or have a busy lifesyle, premade Kits and one-on-one
Teaching/Training are available...
Redirect Your Mind...
...with Inner Guidance from the Heart.
Pre-made LifeNavigation Kits and Coaching are available to meet
the needs of your busy lifestyle. To get yours click the
link below and put "LifeNav Kit" in the subject line. You will
receive information about what's in the Kit, about one-on-one
coaching/training with Ilana Moss, cost and payment options,
and more...
"Send me info about the LifeNav Kit and Coaching/Training by Ilana"
click here: myheartcompass@yahoo.com
Information is no cost and no obligation, and it only takes a moment:
Next Week:
More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!
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Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008
Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises
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FREE 5 Part Online Heartcompass LifeNavigation iCourse!
"Redirect Your Mind, With Inner Guidance From The Heart"
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Spiritual Life Of Butterflies

Vol. 1 No. 11
Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the
In this week's issue -
* HeartCompass Quote
* HeartCompass Secrets: Spiritual Life of Butterflies
* LifeNavigation Tip: EAT!
* Recommended Link: Metaphysics-for-Life.com
* Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!
* Messages From A Mind With Heart via email
HeartCompass Quote:
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you
something else is the greatest accomplishment."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
U.S. Poet, essayist and transcendentalist
HEARTCOMPASS SECRETS: Spiritual Life Of Butterflies
Way back in 2002 (it just seems so long ago!) I was online
researching the best home business opportunities. I came across
a news article, and it listed 50 of the "best". Most were
opportunities I'd already heard of, and rejected for various
reasons. Then, I came across one that just jumped off the page.
It was (drum roll, please)...Butterfly Ranching!
Yes, butterflies!
I'd never heard of such a thing, so I clicked and read the story
about Butterfly Ranchers; what they do, how they do it, and how
much money they make, Not bad.
Maybe I should point out here that I have a Bachelor's Degree in
Natural Resources and environmental education. I love "nature",
and what could be more natural than a butterfly? I'm also
passionate about the "spiritual" aspect of things and, well, what
could be more spiritual than...a butterfly?
Butterflies. The premier metaphor for "transformation". Even
though the transformation of a butterfly - from egg, to larvae,
to pupae, to butterfly - is physical, it still holds tremendous
wisdom concerning transformation at the spiritual level, as well.
Needless to say, I ordered the "Butterfly Ranchers Manual", and
learned how to raise butterflies.
I was very good at it, by the way. Where others seemed to struggle
to create environments where the butterflies would flourish and
breed, I just seemed to have a knack for it. And the butterflies
loved me. And I loved them.
I raised thousands of butterflies over the course of three years,
and they taught me more than I ever could have imagined.
Here, in a nutshell, is what I learned about "The Spiritual Life
of Butterflies":
* First of all, the life cycle of a butterfly is a circle. The circle
is the symbol of perfect oneness or wholeness. And that's where
all life begins.
* Because the life cycle of a butterfly is a circle, we could begin
anywhere, but I will begin with the egg. The egg stage of the
butterfly is analagous to the Child stage of the human spirit. This
is the time in life before Ego has taken control of the mind, and
the baby or child is innocent and dependent upon parents for guidance.
When the egg hatches, the caterpillar emerges, and the "eating" or
Ego stage begins.
* The caterpillar stage of the butterfly is like the Ego stage of the
human, and usually begins with adolescence. In this stage of growth,
both physical and spiritual, it is all about eating and growing. In
the human, of course, this "eating" consists of more than just food.
It is everything physical that the human experiences. In the Ego
stage of growth, humans "eat" experience like a caterpillar eats leaves!
* When the caterpillar eats and grows as big as it can get, it stops
eating and becomes restless. It knows something big is about to happen,
but of course it has no idea what. A caterpillar has no idea what a
butterfly is, nor that it will become a butterfly, nor any idea how
to do it. So it does the only thing it knows how to do. It climbs to
the top of a plant, attaches itself to the plant, hangs upside down,
and sheds its skin. This is the Pupae stage, the stage where the
body of the caterpillar dissolves into goo and is magically transformed
into a beautiful butterfly! Humans, who have fulfilled the Ego stage
completely and no longer find satisfaction in consuming life experiences,
enter the spiritual "pupae" stage. In this stage, "God" takes over,
dissolves the human into spiritual "goo", and transforms this "goo"
into a beautiful, free, nectar-sipping butterfly.
* The final stage, emergence of the butterfly, depends upon how
successful the first three stages have been. If the egg is healthy,
and hatches on abundant food plants, it will eat, get very big,
and there will be plenty of material for making a butterfly in the
pupae stage. A big healthy butterfly will have no problem emerging
from the pupae shell, and will be strong and able to fly when it
emerges. However, if the egg is not healthy, is laid on the wrong
kind of plant or in a hostile environment, if the caterpillar does
not eat and get big...then the butterfly may never form properly,
or it may be small or weak when it emerges. The final stage of human
spiritual development, what we sometimes call self-realization or
maybe "enlightenment" (and what could be "lighter" than a delicate
butterfly?) depends upon the successful completion of all previous
stages, including the caterpillar (Ego) stage. A big, fat caterpillar
makes a big, healthy butterfly!
So what, if anything, does any of this have to do with your
Heartcompass and LifeNavigation?

Humans deal with the Ego stage in a number of ways, depending upon
where they are born and the resources available to them.
In some cultures the Ego is seen as something "evil" to be rejected and
overcome. Desire in this type of society is seen also as "evil" or
"bad", and people in these societies (mostly because there just isn't
all that much to "eat") attempt to grow spiritually by overcoming the
ego and desire. If they succeed, then God can indeed take over and
transform the human caterpillar into a butterfly.
But in other cultures, where material resources are abundant and there
is lots of "food", individuals may choose the "big Ego" path to
transformation. Big Ego, like big caterpillar, can become a big,
healthy, happy butterfly - but only if the caterpillar, or Ego mind,
stops eating and hangs itself upside down and allows God to take over!
So how do you know if, and when, it's time to "pupate"?
If you have been in the Ego stage long enough (and it can take many
lifetimes to fill that appetite!) then you will reach the place
where "eating" just doesn't do it for you anymore. You begin to
feel restless. You "have it all", and yet something, the most
important thing, seems to be missing. That's when you know it's
In the Ego stage, the Heartcompass will guide you to fulfill your
desires and become a big, fat caterpillar.
When the Ego stage is satisfied, and eating is no longer enough,
the Heartcompass will reorient itself and, with your intention, it
will begin to redirect your Mind to a new Source - what we call
"God", or any other name we choose to call All That Is.
When this happens, Source takes over, and transforms all the "stuff"
of the caterpillar (thoughts, beliefs, feelings, etc.) into what I
call "A Mind With Heart" - a mind guided by Love, and free to fly
and sip sweet nectar.
A Mind With Heart is a mind guided by Love itself. The world created
by such a mind can only be experienced by the Spiritual Butterfly.
It is something the caterpillar cannot imagine, but it is always
destined for. So, while in the caterpillar stage, EAT! : )
Redirect Your Mind...
...with Inner Guidance from the Heart.
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More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!
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Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008
Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises
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