Friday, August 29, 2008


Welcome to This Week's
Vol. 1 No. 6

Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the heart.

In this week's issue -

* HeartCompass Quote
* HeartCompass Secrets: Living Life From the Inside Out
* Navigation Tip: Gaining Awareness By Going Without
* Recommended Link: Healing Messages from A Mind With Heart

If you find the tips and secrets in this issue

valuable, invite a friend to join us!

Forward this newsletter, or send this link

and invite them to subscribe. It's FREE!

HeartCompass Quote:

"The mind which serves the spirit is at peace and filled with joy.
Its power comes from spirit, and it is fulfilling happily its function here."

Lesson 96, A Course In Miracles

Dear Friend,
Before we get to this week's Secrets and Tips, I have an important
question for you:

Have you ever used products or services that have helped you
with any of the following?

- Increasing Awareness

- Improving the connection of Mind to Heart

- Creating a sense of Inner Peace and Well Being

I would love to hear about it, and here's why...

Heartcompass Enterprises is building an Online Store!

It's the next step in fulfilling our Mission and Vision:

"To assist in the transformation of human collective consciousness
from fear-based (resulting in anger, hatred, and violence),
to love-based, resulting in well-being, peace, and prosperity for all.
Our Vision is a world of peace, prosperity, health and happiness.
A world where everyone uses their Heartcompass
to stay on course, living lives empowered by Divine Guidance."

The Online Store for A Mind With Heart will bring together
under one "roof" the greatest collection of the best and
most effective products and services to assist individuals
in making that transformation from fear-based to love-based
thinking in their everyday lives.

You've probably heard of the "hundredth monkey", that world
famous experiment that demonstrated how we are all connected
by what Rupert Sheldrake called the "morphogenic field".

Did you realize that every fear-based thought you replace
with the love-based truth takes the whole human race in the
direction of inner peace and awakening to Who We Really Are?

So, while you enjoy the improvements in your "personal" life,
you're actually making a contribution to the future of the
whole planet. How cool is THAT?!

You can help even more, by sending me info on the products
and services you have used with success. Or, if you have
something you created that you would like considered for
the Mind With Heart Online Store, please tell me about it
or send a link if you have a website to:

Thank you!
I look forward to building this Store, and a healthier,
happier, more peaceful world with you!



HEARTCOMPASS SECRETS: Living Life From the Inside Out

What is the "state of your heart"?

How is it being reflected in the "conditions of your life"?

"Inside" and "Out" are actually "One".

Your heart's emotional state will be expressed in the outer
circumstances of your life. And your outer circumstances
will keep you informed of the emotional state of your heart.

When you desire a change in your circumstances, you must
create a change in the state of your heart. How do you
do this?

By changing what you choose to think, say, and do.

Every thought, word, and action will create an emotion,
indicating whether you are on or off course. Thoughts,
words and actions that create positive emotion will
inevitably be reflected in your outer condition or

In this state, you are creating from the Inside Out.

When you are off course, observe your outer conditions
and circumstances for information about your inner
state that has taken you off course. Be very kind to
your self as you do this. Give your self time.

When you are ready, go to your Heart to choose new thoughts,
words and actions to change your direction. Then observe
your conditions and circumstances for signs that you
are once again on course.


THIS WEEK'S NAVIGATION TIP: Gaining Awareness Without.

Sometimes, going Without is the fastest and most powerful
way to find out what's going on Within - if you choose to
see it as a reflection!

What's going on in your life right now that's really terrific?
Are you aware of the thoughts, words and actions you have been
using to create that reality in your life right now?

Or are you giving all the credit for your wonderful feelings
to something outside of yourself?


If you give credit to something outside of yourself for your
positive emotions, then you will lose those happy feelings when
you lose the thing outside of yourself. Nothing lasts forever-
nothing! Except LOVE itself.

The apple tree in my garden blossoms and bears fruit every year.
The fruit falls to the ground, but the apple tree never
forgets how to bloom and bear fruit year after year.

What is the state of your heart? Are you focused on the loss of
the fruit you once bore? Or are you creating new blossoms,
knowing that you will bear sweet fruit again, year after year?

Observe your conditions and circumstances.
Feel the emotions you experience in response.
Identify the thoughts, words and actions you have used
to create those feelings and circumstances.

Keep what works. Remove and replace what does not.


If you would like to receive Healing Messages From A Mind With
Heart, to help you remember who you really are, and to help
you stay on course, just click the link below and subscribe.
Another free gift from Heartcompass Enterprises!

Visit Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart


Don't forget to send your suggestions for products and
services you would like HCE to include in the Online Store!

Click here to send your

Next Week:

More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!

Invite a friend to join us on the journey!

Forward this newsletter, or send this link

and invite them to subscribe.

Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008

Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises

Visit me at MySpace

The Heartcompass LifeNavigation iCourse

Friday, August 22, 2008


Welcome to This Week's
Vol. 1 No. 5

Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the

In this week's issue -

* HeartCompass Quote
* HeartCompass Secrets: Heartspace Connection
* Navigation Tip: Ask Your Heart for Guidance
* Recommended Link: Get help replacing fear-based thinking.

If you find the tips and secrets in this issue

valuable, invite a friend to join us!

Forward this newsletter, or send this link

and invite them to subscribe. It's FREE!

HeartCompass Quote:

"The within is ceaselessly becoming the without. From the
state of a man's heart doth proceed the conditions of his
life; his thoughts blossom into deeds, and his deeds bear
the fruitage of character and destiny."

-James Allen (Author-"As a Man Thinketh")



HEARTCOMPASS SECRETS: Heartspace Connection

Over the past few weeks, we have looked at some "basics" -
Parts of Your Heartcompass, Awareness, and Letting Go
of fear-based thought and negative emotional indicators.

This week's Secrets and Tips will delve a little deeper into the
process of focusing on the Heart, and receiving
your own inner guidance.

The Heartspace is where you connect with your own inner wisdom.

By focusing on your Heart and achieving vibrational,
or emotional, "coherence" you allow or attract thoughts and
inspiration in harmony with your inner environment of peace and
well being.

Emotional coherence can be measured using biofeedback and other
sensitive instruments. It can also be felt as a state
of inner calm and well being. One way to achieve this state is
to think about something in your life that you believe makes you
happy. It might be a love relationship, an activity, or
looking at something that you think is beautiful or inspiring.

(Of course, nothing "outside" yourself can "make" you happy, but
that's a topic for a future newsletter!)

Simply focusing on the Heartspace (center of your chest) and
imagining a pure white light emanating from that space
can also serve well to calm and connect you with your Heart.

Now that we've revealed some more "Secrets" of the Heart,
let's move on to this week's LifeNavigation "Tip".


THIS WEEK'S LIFENAVIGATION TIP: Get Guidance from the Heart

Now that you have achieved emotional coherence, and connected
with your Heartspace, it is time to receive Inner Guidance.

The Heart thinks with images and feelings. The Mind receives
these signals, and will do it's best to translate
them into what we typically refer to as "thoughts" -
usually in the form of words. You may also see images,
and most certainly will experience emotions and feelings
about them.

To receive this Inner Guidance, you must let your Heart know
what you wish to receive Guidance about. Your Heart already
knows what's bothering you, but when you take the
time to identify off course thoughts and beliefs the
response will tend to be more specific and useful.

For a detailed description of this technique, which I call the
LifeNavigation process, visit the Heartcompass LifeNavigation
iCourse at :

Listen to your Heart, and it will give you love-based thinking
to replace the fear-based thoughts and beliefs
you have identified and released. This love-based thinking
will reveal to you a world that is also loving and abundant.

Best of all, you will feel better immediately, and that will
help you find the energy and resources to create a happier
and healthier life right now.


Need help replacing negative, fear-based thought and emotions?

Take the FREE Heartcompass iCourse to identify your
off-course thoughts and replace them with Love-based beliefs
about yourself and any existing conditions
in your life right now.

Go to:



Next Week:

More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!

Invite a friend to join us on the journey!

Forward this newsletter, or send this link

and invite them to subscribe.



Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008

Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises

Visit me at MySpace

Friday, August 15, 2008


Welcome to This Week's
Vol. 1 No. 4

Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the

In this week's issue -

* HeartCompass Quote
* HeartCompass Secrets: Emotions Are Indicators
* Navigation Tip: Are You On or Off Course?
* Recommended Link: Get help "letting go" of fear-based thinking

If you find the tips and secrets in this issue

valuable, invite a friend to join us!

Forward this newsletter, or send this link

and invite them to subscribe. It's FREE!

HeartCompass Quote:

"Go for GOD, and all that is not authentically you will fall away."

Marianne Williamson


HEARTCOMPASS SECRETS: Emotions and Feelings are Indicators

Last week I wrote to you about the importance of not being
attached to your emotions (otherwise known as "letting go").
This is so important, because if you are attached to your emotions,
you may believe you have no choice but to keep feeling them.

That is not the case. You must feel them for a time, of course.
But if they are negative emotions, it is best to feel them only
so long as it takes to discern the message that feeling is
trying to deliver. The message is basically that in some area
of your life, you are off course. It is up to you to discover
the details, and make the necessary course corrections.

Feelings and emotions are indicators, letting you know whether
the thoughts, beliefs and actions you engage in are on or off
course for you. Love-based emotions indicate you are on course.
Fear-based emotions indicate you are off course.

Love-based emotions attract more love-based thoughts.
Fear-based emotions will attract more fear-based thoughts.
That is why it is so important to be aware, and transform
fear-based emotional indicators as soon as possible. Otherwise
they will snowball, getting bigger and more difficult to
deal with.



How do you know whether you are on or off course?

There are only two energy sources for all emotions:

Love or Fear.

All fear-based feelings and emotions are indicators that
either your thoughts, beliefs or actions are off course
for you. It is up to you to discern which one it is, or
perhaps it is all three.

If the action is on course, but your thinking or beliefs
are off course, you will know because you will experience
love-based emotion when you take the action. For example,
before speaking last week, my heart would race and my palms
would sweat. But when I got up to speak, I loved it!
By taking deep breaths and calming my mind, I could overcome
the irrational fear of public speaking. By remembering how
good it felt to be in front of the audience delivering my
speech, I was able to get back on course.

Actions that arise out of fear-based thoughts and beliefs
will always be off course for you. For example, if you are
mad at your boss and take action that is either vengeful
or spiteful, that action will be off course. (Badmouthing
and complaining about your boss qualifies as off course

When you are angry at your boss and take the time to let
go of that anger and find a love-based alternative, the
action arising from that love-based alternative will be on
course for you, and could result in a better relationship
with your boss.

Many people believe they are doing a service to society by
being against certain things. Unfortunately, being against
anything must involve negative feelings and emotions, which
indicates that you are off course for you. If this describes
you, try being for something that will solve the problem
or address the issue that you are currently feeling against.

Remember, your feelings and emotions are indicators that
your thoughts, beliefs and actions are either on or off
course for you. Negative feelings are not bad, they are
necessary and beneficial, as long as you don't get attached
to them and miss the message they are trying to deliver.
Positive feelings and emotions are indicators that you are
on course. They will attract thoughts and beliefs and create
actions that are beneficial to yourself and others. The
better you get at creating positive emotions in your life,
the more on course your life will become.


Need help letting go of negative, fear-based thought
and emotions?

Take the FREE Heartcompass iCourse to identify your
off-course thoughts and replace them with Love-based beliefs
about yourself and any existing conditions in your life right now.

Go to:


Next Week:

More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!

Invite a friend to join us on the journey!

Forward this newsletter, or send this link

and invite them to subscribe.


Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008

Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises

Visit me at MySpace

Friday, August 8, 2008


Welcome to This Week's
Vol. 1 No. 3


Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the


In this week's issue -

* HeartCompass Quote of the Week
* HeartCompass Secrets: The Heart Connection
* Navigation Tip: Making The Connection
* Recommended Link: Take the FREE iCourse online

If you find the tips and secrets in this issue

valuable, invite a friend to join us!

Forward this newsletter, or send this link

and invite them to subscribe. It's FREE!


HeartCompass Quote:

"Love will bring up anything unlike itself for the purpose

of healing it." Barbara DeAngelis




The secret to accessing Divine Guidance

is to make the connection with your heart.

Your mind can deceive you and make you believe you want

things that are not in your best interest, or in the best

interest of others as well. But your heart cannot deceive you.

It will always indicate accurately whether you are on-course or

off-course. It does this with the indicators of emotion.

I believe that in everyone's heart there is a spiritual

"modem" or connecting energy, that allows us to access guidance

from the divine non-physical source. This source is not

neutral. It has our best interests in mind, as well as the best

interests of everyone we are connected with.

If that were not the case, then we could think anything,

say anything, and do anything and experience no emotional

consequences. But there are emotional consequences,

and these emotions are our guidance system.

Connecting with the heart is simple, but it may not be

easy. You must be willing to do it, and face whatever emotional

indicator is present there for you. That can hurt.

But remember, one more time, that "Love brings up anything unlike itself

for the purpose of healing it."

Take time this week to connect with your heart.

What is it trying to tell you?

What is it telling you is needed to get back on-course,

or to stay on-course?

Now let's take a look at this week's tip:



Once you have contacted your heart, and identified what it is

telling you, the next step is to access the Divine Guidance.

To do this, you must "make room" for the Divine Guidance

to come through.

When you contact your heart, and it is telling you that

you are off-course, then you have received the message or

indicator-now, it is time to let it go!

That's right. And the sooner you can do that, the better.

Imagine you are navigating a ship. You check the compass and find

that winds have blown you 21 degrees off-course!

That's a lot, and you may initially feel a bit of anxiety or panic.

But you are a skilled navigator. You got the reading.

Now it's time to focus on doing whatever is necessary to get back

on course. And the sooner the better!

Your HeartCompass is a similar instrument.

Once it tells you that you are off-course, the first thing to do is

to let go of the indicator. Get centered, get calm, let go.

When you do this, you will automatically open your heart and mind

to whatever needs to come to you through the Divine Guidance.

But it will only come to you when you have let go of the off-course indicator.

There are a number of simple techniques for releasing negative emotions.

Next week I will share some of those with you, as well as some links to some

awesome resources that may have just what you need to learn to let go.



Get MORE out of Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips!

Take the Heartcompass iCourse any time!

It's FREE and always available for you online at



Next Week:

More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!

Invite a friend to join us on the journey!

Forward this newsletter, or send this link

and invite them to subscribe.



Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008

Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises

Visit me at MySpace

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Vol. 1 No. 2

Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the

In this week's issue -

* HeartCompass Quote of the Week
* Success Stories
* HeartCompass Secrets: Your Emotional Body
* Navigation Tip: Focus on Awareness - The First Step

If you find the tips and secrets in this issue

valuable, invite a friend to join us!

Forward this newsletter, or send this link

and invite them to subscribe. It's FREE!


HeartCompass Quote:

"When your heart decides your destination, your mind will
design the map to reach it." Mike Murdock


Success Stories:

After experiencing the benefits of navigating life with my
own HeartCompass for many years, I decided it was safe to
experiment on some of my friends. Occasionally I will share
one of their stories with you. When you learn to navigate
with your HeartCompass, I would love to hear your story and
publish it in this newsletter. So please, keep in touch!

Not too long ago, I visited a friend at his place of work,
only to find him beside himself in frustration and anger.
I asked him what was going on. He said he hated his job and
"had to get out of there". I asked him if he was willing to
give my HeartCompass process a try. Fortunately, he agreed.

Within a few minutes, he had transformed his negative thought
and emotions into something reassuring and constructive. His
energy changed immediately, and he successfully completed his
day at work. But that's just the beginning.

When I went to visit him the following week, he had found
another job and was training his replacement (this was after
months of frustration, not being able to find a job or someone
to replace him in his current position - and he didn't want to
leave his employer, a good friend, in the lurch). A few weeks
after that, I went to visit him at his new place of employment.
He loved his new job and was very happy!

Now re-read the Quote of the Week. I think this story is an
example of this very valuable insight, don't you?
Very much so! Learn to navigate life with your HeartCompass,
and your mind will also chart a course to the destinations
your heart desires!


Last week I told you about the parts of your HeartCompass;
your life energy flow, your heart's electromagnetic field,
and your emotional body. This week let's take a closer
look at your emotional body.

The emotional body stores emotional memories from past
experiences. If these experiences were positive, then the
emotional charge of these memories will be positive. If the
memories are negative, or even traumatic, then the emotional
charge of these memories will also be negative.

Positive emotional memories and emotions will attract
positive thoughts, beliefs, and circumstances into your
life. Negative emotional memories and emotions will attract
more negative thoughts, beliefs and circumstances into your
life as well.

In Navigation Tips we will take a look at the importance of
becoming aware of your emotional body, and the memories and
emotional charges stored there.

THIS WEEK'S NAVIGATION TIP: Accessing Your Emotional Body

There are two very important reasons to access the emotional
memories stored in your emotional body (note: the emotional
body is made up of thought and emotion, therefore it is pure
energy). One is to access positive memories and emotions to
experience and build upon past happiness and success.
Two is to access negative memories and emotions in order to
remove them, and replace them with something positive
and supportive.

There are many ways to access your emotional body, but I
believe the most effective way is to pay attention to
your current circumstances. Your present circumstances
are an expression of your past thoughts, memories, and

When you put your attention on something in your life
that you love, you can usually remember many other things
in your life that you have loved. When you put your
attention on something in your life that is not working
for you, then you can access the memories and emotions
from the past that may be creating your current situation.

Using the HeartCompass LifeNavigation process, you can then
use your mind to chart a course to happy and successful
destinations, and begin to leave the painful and negative
places behind.

This, of course, takes time. Life is a journey, and
every journey worth taking takes time. Spending just a
few minutes a day navigating with your HeartCompass can
make the difference between arriving at destinations of
your heart's desire, or revisiting the places you wish
you had never been!

Next week - more ways to increase your awareness and
improve your life navigation skills.

Have you taken the Heartcompass LifeNavigation
iCourse yet? Need a refresher?

It's FREE and always available for you online at


Next Week:

More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!

Invite a friend to join us on the journey!

Forward this newsletter, or send this link

and invite them to subscribe.


Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008

Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises

Visit me at MySpace