Thursday, December 20, 2012

From Duality to Truth - From Head to Heart!

Are you ready to move beyond duality and separation to Truth and connection? Watch "I AM" if you are ready to say "yes"!

Click the image below to go to Amazon and find out how to rent and watch now (just $3.99 for a whole week of unlimited viewing) or buy the DVD to keep and share with others.

Celebrate the "end of the World (ie Illusion of Separation)" with this truly empowering movie that cuts through all of the nonsense we have been led to believe about ourselves and our world and reveals our true source of power - the Heart! ♥

Please share this with your friends!
Thank you,

Start Creating A Mind With Heart today - Join the Foundation for Creating A Mind With Heart

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Find Yourself In The Heart

Welcome to This Month's
Vol. 2012 No. 05

Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation System:

A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual, metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that can redirect the mind with inner guidance from the Heart.


In this week's issue -

* HeartCompass Quotes

* HeartCompass Secrets: Who You Really Are

* LifeNavigation Tip: Truth Is In The Heart

* Featured Video(s): Evolving Towards Unity


HeartCompass Quotes:

"The seat of knowledge is in the head, of wisdom, in the heart."

- William Hazlitt




What is your head telling you right now about who you really are?

Whatever your head tries to tell you about yourself, it can never tell you the Truth.

The head, or conscious mind, is limited to perceiving the illusions of separation. Whatever it sees, it will interpret, give meaning, value, and judgement.  No matter how long and hard you look for yourself with your conscious mind, you will only find projections of duality - you will never see who you really are with the eyes in your head.

But no matter who or what you THINK you are - good or bad, sick or healthy, rich or broke, stupid or wise, ugly or beautiful, successful or a failure, loved or unloveable, or anything in between - you can ALWAYS find Truth in the Heart.

The ego mind will go to any and all lengths to create illusion of separation - because that's its job.  That's what it was made to do.  Have you ever wondered why we created an ego mind to tell us we are separate?

Illusion creates DESIRE to know Truth.

Without DESIRE there is no motivation - no movement.  Without movement there is no Life.

Movement towards Truth is movement towards Love - and that creates a life experience of Truth and Love.

Don't let the illusions of the ego mind distract you from Truth.  Instead, use them as motivation - motivation to find Truth in the Heart, and remember who you really are!



If you have been seeking Truth in books, lectures, tapes, videos, from teachers, gurus, websites, or anywhere else - don't worry, you are not alone!  We all start with the perceptions of the consious mind.  As physically manifested beings we really have no other choice.

But eventually, when we have experienced enough frustration and dis-illusionment, enough pain, loss and loneliness - that's when we might find the motivation, the Desire, to look elsewhere - to find Truth where we least expected it.  That's when we might finally turn inward to our own patiently waiting Hearts.

Now I know sometimes you might think your Heart is broken, or you might have been told that the Heart is a deceiver.  These are lies the ego mind tells us to keep the illusion firmly in place - again, because that's its job, and it's an expert!

Especially when you are feeling heartbroken, lost, lonely, or hopeless - that's the most powerful time to turn to the Heart.  If you want to know the Truth about your deepest fears and false beliefs, you will find it in your own Heart.  When you are in your deepest pain, don't be afraid to look.  These are our moments of greatest opportunity!

(PS - if you find you Heart closing or shutting down when you are faced with a particularly painful situation, try to remain AWARE.  I had this experience recently.  It felt like a door slammed shut over my Heart, and it remained closed for several days.  At first, it felt like relief - that I was finally safe!  But the Heart cannot remain closed for long, and eventually the pain finds its way in again.  Better to keep the Heart open and deal with things in the moment!)

Watch this week's video below.  If you are ready, I invite you to Join the Foundation for Creating A Mind With Heart - start finding Truth in your own Heart, start remembering who you really are.


Featured Video(s): Evolving Towards Unity

Join the Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart for full access to the Virtual Learning Center.


Next Month:  More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!

Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2012

Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises
The Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Mind With Heart - The Neutral Heart

Welcome to This Week's
Vol. 2012 No. 04

Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation System:

A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual, metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that can redirect the mind with inner guidance from the Heart.


In this week's issue -

* HeartCompass Quotes

* HeartCompass Secrets: The Neutral Heart

* LifeNavigation Tip: Putting Your Heart In Neutral

* Featured Video(s): Creating A Mind With Heart QandA


HeartCompass Quotes:

"Neutral is a state where you are not jumping ahead too quickly or moving too slow.

Neutral does not mean being inactive, complacent or passive.

It's about a calm poise that allows for new information and new possibilities to emerge before taking further action. When in neutral you actually increase your sensitivity and intuitive intelligence. Neutral is fertile ground for new possibilities to grow from."

  -- Doc Childre



(note: Read the transcript below and/or watch the video online.)

Welcome back to the Mind With Heart Questions and Answers.

Today I'm going to talk about putting your Heart in neutral.

One of the questions I got recently from a member of the Mind With Heart Virtual Learning Center was, "How can I remove the emotional charge from the situations I choose to work with in the Heartcompass LifeNavigation System?"

The first step in Creating A Mind With Heart using the LifeNavigation System is to describe a life situation or circumstance that is bothering you - in neutral terms.

But if it's a situation that bothers you, how are you supposed to do that?

Well, that's where metaphysics, or the study of the true nature of reality, comes in. And that's why I created the website - to provide a place where anyone with access to the internet can go and learn.

You can go there any time and use the free study guide, read the articles, watch videos, and so one.

But today I want to share with you a couple of things I have learned from others that I use to help me with this process.



The first thing I do is something I learned from A Course In Miracles.  If you haven't read the book or know nothing about it, don't worry.  You can still use this tip.

When someone or something is "bothering me", it's usually because I feel like they or it is "doing something to me".  ACIM suggests using these words - you can say them out loud or silently in your head:

 "There is no one 'out there', nothing has happened, 'I' do not exist."

I know, this might sound a bit extreme. But if you have been to or have studied the Course for Creating A Mind With Heart, you know that these are simple Truths.  For example:

"There is no one 'out there'" reflects the Truth that nothing is really separate.  Separation is an Illusion created by the Mind.

"Nothing has happened" reflects the Truth that time is an Illusion - everything exists in this moment.

"'I' do not exist" reflects the Truth that who you think you are is not really "you", but an image given substance with feeling in the Mind.

All of this is in the Course at the Mind With Heart Learning Center, and you can access that Course by joining the Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart if you are not currently a student.

The point is, I have found in my own experience that repeating these words somehow neutralizes the emotional charge I have placed on any situation - especially the ones that bother me!

But that's just the first step,  there's a bit more so hang in there with me...

Next, I use something I learned from Robert Scheinfeld from his book "Busting Loose from the Business Game".  You can buy it at the MFL BOOKSTORE.

In Busting Loose, Scheinfeld explains a five step process for reclaiming our energy and power from any life experience or situation that we perceive as negative or draining our life energy.  I have found that once I repeat the ACIM "mantra", I can then say these words to reclaim my energy -

"I made this whole thing up.  Isn't it just totally convincing?"

Then I answer myself, "Yes! Yes it is!"

Followed by, "I now reclaim my power from this."

I then repeat these words if needed.

In Scheinfeld's book he emphasizes the importance of totally experiencing the feelings associated with the situation or circumstance, in order to fully reclaim all the emotional energy that the Mind has invested in creating it.  I have found this to be true in my experience as well.

Once I've reclaimed the energy, I add the Ho'oponono chant to wrap things up:

"I am sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.  I Love you."

And that's it.

I have found that using this simple technique can easily place my Heart in neutral, no matter how challenging or stressful the situation might be.

Once my Heart is in neutral, I can describe the situation or circumstance in non-judgemental terms, which allows me to move into the next step - identifying the False Fear-based Beliefs the Mind uses to create that circumstance in my life - and then finally accessing the Heart for Love Based Truth to replace them.

Putting your Heart in neurtal is like shifting gears in a manual transmission car - you can't get from first gear to fifth without passing through neutral.

Using the LifeNavigation System to create a Mind With Heart works the same way.  Shifting from fear based beliefs to Love-based Truth requires moving through a Heart that is in neutral.

So try it and see how this works for you.

I look forward to you questions and feedback, and I'll see you next time for another Mind With Heart Questions and Answers!


Featured Video(s): A Mind With Heart QandA - The Neutral Heart

Watch it on Youtube:

Watch online at Heartcompass Secrets:

Join the Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart for full access to the Virtual Learning Center.


Next Month:  More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!

Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2012

Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises
The Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart

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Take the Off-Ramp to and remember who you really are!

Join the Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart - Discover the Mind With Heart Virtual Learning Center!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Listen online, or read the transcript below:
Welcome to This Month's
Vol. 2012 No. 03

Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation System:

A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual, metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that can redirect the mind with inner guidance from the Heart.


In this week's issue -

* HeartCompass Quotes

* HeartCompass Secrets: The Hole In Your Heart

* LifeNavigation Tip: Seeing With Eyes of the Heart

* Featured Video(s): Daily Prayer for Peace of Mind


HeartCompass Quotes:

"We are made with a hole in our Hearts
providing a way for us to receive and let in Love.

When the ego-mind looks upon the hole in the Heart
it sees an infinite dark abyss
and fills it with fear.

The eyes of the Heart see a Gateway
filled with infinite Love and Light.

Look upon the world with the eyes of your Heart
and fill the world with Love."

~~ Healing Message From A Mind With Heart




When you focus your attention on your Heart, what do you see?  What do you feel?

When I first started teaching the Heartcompass LifeNavigation System, I had doubts about my ability to teach others how to access the Heart for Love-based Truth.

I was worried that when I asked them to focus on the Heart they would feel the infinite loneliness, emptiness and pain that so many of us run from when we encounter difficult challenges in life that are the Heart's attempt to wake us up and heal the Mind.

Before I started meditating, before I realized I had PTSD, and before I discovered the Heartcompass LifeNav System, I would look into my Heart and panic when I saw and felt the infinite abyss that was there.  I could sense there was a "hole in my Heart", but I was clueless as to its true purpose and meaning.  It might as well have been a bullet hole for all the pain and terror it seemed to create in my life.

So what brought about the transformation?  How did I get from running in terror from the abyss, to seeking the "Hole in my Heart" for Love-based Truth?

To begin, I had to stop running and "face my fears".  By that I mean turning with the conscious Mind and looking at the physical life experience I was having at the moment, allowing the feelings to fully surface, and acknowledging the thoughts that accompanied my feelings and experience.

To my great suprise - and relief! - I found that I did not die, and that the feelings did not intensify unbearably as I had expected.  Rather, by allowing my thoughts and feelings to come to the surface - in a safe and structured manner (ie. the Heartcompass LifeNav System) - I was able to "release" them, as it were, from that infinite dark abyss where the fear-based ego-mind had created and stored them.

What I experienced next totally transformed the direction of my life.

Whenever I identified a false fear-based belief and "deactivated" it using the LifeNav System, it left a kind of empty little space - a space that I was then able to access to find Love-based Truth in the Heart.

In other words, as I cleared out the fear-based beliefs that were filling the "hole in my Heart" I discovered a "portal" that is the gateway for Spirit to enter the conscious Mind.

I was so blown away by this discovery that I had to learn more.

I went online looking for research or information about the Heart.  This was back around 2001-2002.  At first I found nothing.

Then I came across the Institute of Heartmath.  At that time they were just beginning to provide scientific research and evidence that confirmed what I was experiencing on a personal level.  With this resource to give me the scientific foundation I felt I needed before sharing what I had learned with others, I launched Heartcompass Enterprises and started teaching and coaching.

It hasn't been easy.  At one point I abandoned the whole thing when my personal life experience became extremely difficult ( I lost my home in the foreclosure crisis in 2007 ) and I decided "this stuff doesn't work!"

Fortunately, I returned to the System to process the false fear-based beliefs that accompanied this difficult period of my life - and found that I learned more, grew more, and became much stronger and more centered in my Heart than ever before.

No matter what you are experiencing in your life right now - no matter how painful or terrifying it might feel at the moment - you can use your life experience to identify the fear-based beliefs that are blocking the portal to Spirit that is in your Heart.

Those fear-base beliefs had a purpose - to create the Illusion of Separation and make third dimensional physical life experience seem real.  It's time now to enter the abyss, clear the muck out, and let Love-based Truth flow into your Mind from the Heart.


THIS MONTH'S LIFENAVIGATION TIP:  Seeing With Eyes of the Heart

The hole in your Heart is real.  The Institute of Heartmath and others have conducted tests and research to confirm this.  You can go to to read the research papers and decide for yourself.

But the only thing that really matters is how you, personally, experience the hole in your Heart.

When we live life from the ego-mind, we experience the hole in the Heart as an infinite dark abyss, filled with fear.

When we turn our Mind to the Heart and deactivate the fear-based beliefs we clear a space for Love, Light, Truth and Life to enter the Mind.  And that is what we call "A Mind With Heart".

You can begin creating A Mind With Heart by joining the Foundation for Creating A Mind With Heart and taking the 5 Part Course available at the Virtual Learning Center.  If you are already a student,  I hope this newsletter provides you with motivation to continue studying and practicing the Heartcompass LifeNavigation System.  If you need personal assistance, check out the Coaching and Training Programs.


Featured Video(s): Daily Prayer for Peace of Mind

This Daily Prayer can be used together with the Heartcompass LifeNavigation System, or alone whenever you are unable to sit down and use your LifeNavigator's Chart.

Try watching it once a day to create inner peace and A Mind With Heart.

Join the Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart for full access to the Virtual Learning Center.


Next Month:  More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!

Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2012

Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises
The Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart

Follow A Mind With Heart on TWITTER!

Friend me on FACEBOOK!

Receive Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart

Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!

Take the Off-Ramp to and remember who you really are!

Join the Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart - Discover the Mind With Heart Virtual Learning Center!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Living From The Heart

Listen to this week's Q&A recording from the Mind With Heart Virtual Learning Center:

"Living From The Heart"


Hello, welcome back to this week's Mind With Heart Q&A.

This week I'm going to talk about "living from the Heart".

I'm going to be totally honest here...

The Truth is, as long as we are having a physical life experience, there will be what we call "negative emotions" or feelings. And that's not bad.

And here's why:

Imagine you are the Captain of a ship.  To steer that ship safely to it's destination you depend on guidance systems to keep you on course, and to warn you of any dangers, obstacles and storms.

Now, imagine someone comes along - someone who claims to have more knowledge and experience in navigating ships than you do. And imagine they tell you to ignore those "bad" warning signals!  Come below decks and party with us!  Focus on the good stuff and ignore the bad, and you can finally start enjoying life like the rest of the passengers, instead of worrying about steering that darn ship!

At first, that might seem like a great idea.  You go below deck and you start having fun - it's the time of your life!  The ship, which you put on autopilot, is out in the middle of the big ocean and sails along without incident for some time.

Then one day - BAM!  You hit something - and the ship sinks (ala "Titanic").  You party on while the ship goes down.  But sooner or later the water takes over, and you can't ignore the cold wet truth any longer.  You ignored you guidance systems, and now you are paying the price.

I know, I've been there, done that.  Most - if not all - of us have.

And I'm not just talking about the potential pitfalls of Law of Attraction or positive thinking, or personal growth and self-help programs.  Most of us just spend a good amount of time on "auto-pilot" - letting our subconscious run the show without our awareness or direction.

Or we "think" we can run the show or pilot the ship using Law of Attraction or other self-help programs, only to find ourselves one day "hitting an iceberg" or running the ship ashore, or just not getting where we wanted to go.

The Truth is, without "negative" feelings and emotions, we would have no inner guidance system.  We all have them!  But if we try to ignore them or run away from them, then we can't be the Captain of our own ship.  We will run into things, and we won't get to our destinations either.

When I first started using the Heartcompass LifeNavigation System, I thought it was a Law of Attraction or manifestation tool - something that could help me get the things I think I want.

At first, it did seem to work that way.

But after a while - a few years actually - I was still encountering obstacles and experiencing some strong negative emotions.  What I didn't realize at the time was that my inner guidance system was telling me I was heading for an iceberg!

I got fed up and told myself, "this stuff doesn't work!" and I abandoned it.  And guess what?  I ran smack into that iceberg while I was below decks, trying to ignore the signals and just having fun with my friends.

Well. the ship went down, and me with it.

Fortunately, after a couple more years of no progress, I decided to give the LifeNav System another try.

It hasn't been easy.  And I'm still navigating a small boat rather than a large ship.  But I did learn not to ignore those negative emotions and feelings - especially when they get big and loud and start blinking yellow or red!

Now, I told you I would be honest.  Sometimes my friends or family will criticize me because the things my Heart desires, and the things my inner guidance system warns me about or guides me towards, are not the kind of things we have been taught represent "success".  Things like a good job, lots of money, a big house, a car, being married, etc.

I'm not saying those things are either "good" or "bad" - it's just that listening to my inner guidance has led me to a less than conventional lifestyle.  On the surface, I might not look like a "success" - or to you maybe I do.

The point is, what matters is that I follow my own inner guidance, and I don't go crashing into icebergs any more - although I do still run into storms.  However, even the storms are more manageable now.

Being the Captain of your own ship and using your inner guidance system is what I call "living from the Heart".

We all want to experience positive feelings and enjoy life.  That's what make physical life experience worth living!

But when those negative feelings come along - and they will - you now have your Heartcompass LifeNavigation System to help you steer away from anything that might sink your ship, or just to help you stay on course while you pass through one of life's many storms.

Experiencing strong negative emotions and feelings is not a "bad" thing - any more than a blaring horn and blinking red lights on a ship are "bad".  It's a good thing - but only if you don't ignore them.  Use them. Gain awareness and steer your own ship.

Thanks for listening, now go create A Mind With Heart, and I'll see you again next week!

Ilana Moss
Heartcompass Enterprises
The Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Do Feelings Lie?

Welcome to This Month's
Vol. 2012 No. 02

Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation System:

A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual, metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that can redirect the mind with inner guidance from the Heart.


In this week's issue -

* HeartCompass Quotes

* HeartCompass Secrets: Do Feelings Lie?

* LifeNavigation Tip: What do feelings really tell us?

* Featured Video(s): "Primal Being" and "Do Feelings Lie?"


HeartCompass Quotes:

"When we learn to manage our emotions long enough to stop and shift our attention to the quieter message of the heart, we can gain a wider perspective on any situation, often saving ourselves from hurt, frustration and pain."

-Doc Childre and Howard Martin,
The HeartMath Solution




One of the "questions" I sometimes get when I am introducing the Heartcompass LifeNavigation System to someone for the first time isn't really a question, but a statement or a belief.

That belief is, "Feelings lie!"

Because the Heart is perceived as the emotional center, and because emotions can get the better of us if we don't understand what they really are and where they really come from, then the Heart will often be blamed for taking us off course - or "lying" to us.

In Part 1 of my 5 Part online course for Creating A Mind With Heart, I explain how feelings give substance to thought (form) and how that creates what we call "physical reality" or what I prefer to call "physical life experience".

All feelings are based upon one of two emotions - fear or Love.

Fear based feelings come from what we call the "head" or ego-mind, which is responsible for creating the Illusion of Separation and duality (which is essential to physical life experience).

Love based feelings come from what I call "A Mind With Heart", which is responsible for creating the experience of connection and unity within the context of physical life experience.

Experiencing the Illusion of Separation and duality creates Desire in the Mind for unity and Oneness.  Without this Desire, feelings of connection would not be possible in what we call "physical reality". Desire is the motivator, and the source of energy, that creates.  Without Illusion of Separation there would be no physical reality, no Desire for connection and unity, and no physical life experience of connection and oneness with All That Is.

So what do feelings really tell us?  And do they lie, or tell the Truth?

To find out for yourself, read the LifeNavigation Tip below and watch the Featured Videos...


THIS MONTH'S LIFENAVIGATION TIP:  What do feelings really tell us?

Feelings are the substance that the Mind uses to make thoughts (or forms) "feel real" to us.

When the Mind uses fear-based feelings created by the ego - or "head" - to give substance to thoughts, then we experience feelings of sadness, anger, hatred, despair, and so on, when the conscious Mind perceives physical reality. Thoughts given substance by fear-based feelings are what I call "False Fear-based Beliefs".

When the Mind uses Love-based Truth from the Heart to give substance to thoughts, then we experience feelings of gratitude, appreciation, inner peace, well being, and enjoyment.  Love-based Truth is a quality, not a thoughtform, and therefore there are no "Love-based Beliefs" - only Love-based Truth which gives substance to thought with Love-based feeling.

The feelings we experience as we perceive physical reality tells us one thing - whether our Mind is using the ego or "head" to give substance to thought with fear-based belief, or using the Heart to give substance to thought with Love-based Truth.

That's it. Nothing else.

Our feelings do not "lie" in that sense.  However, if we misunderstand the source and purpose of our feelings, then we can and will make mistakes if we take innappropriate actions based soley upon our feelings!

False fear-based beliefs and the Illusion of Separation and duality are the first steps in creating physical life experience.  The next step is identifying the fear-based beliefs and replacing them with Love-based Truth so we can experience physical reality in the form of "Heaven on Earth".  It's a step by step process, and one that Humanity as a whole is taking part in right now!

The Heartcompass LifeNavigation System is a scientifically proven technique for accomplishing this, but it is not the only way.  At the Mind With Heart Virtual Learning Center you can access the 5 Part Course for Creating A Mind With Heart.  Other tools and techniques will be added over time.  You can gain unlimited access to the Learning Center by joining the Foundation for Creating A Mind With Heart.

I just added the first Q & A video to the Learning Center's Blog, and I have included it here (it's the first one - I promise I'll get better at it with time :-)

I would also like to share a 3 Part video series I found on Youtube that gives a new perspective on relationships, love and our inner feminine and masculine qualities (feelings and thought??).  The producer, "unASLEEP", offers an "on the spot" little trick you can use to help you STOP and identify FFBB's and replace them with Love-based Truth - and avoid acting out on your fear-based feelings.  Absolutely invaluable!  I hope you will watch all three parts...

Until next month - hope to see you at the Mind With Heart Virtual Learning Center!


Featured Video(s): "Do Feelings Lie?" and "Primal Being"

"Primal Being" by unASLEEP

"Do Feelings Lie?" Creating a Mind With Heart Q&A video

Join the Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart for full access to the Virtual Learning Center.


Next Month:  More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!

Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2012

Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises
Metaphysics For Life
The Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart

Follow me on TWITTER!

Friend me on FACEBOOK!

Receive Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart

Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!

Take the Off-Ramp to and remember who you really are!

Join the Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart - Discover the Mind With Heart Virtual Learning Center!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Secret of the Triangle

Welcome to This Month's
Vol. 2012 No. 01

Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation System:

A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual, metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that can redirect the mind with inner guidance from the Heart.


In this week's issue -

* HeartCompass Quotes

* HeartCompass Secrets: The Secret Triangle

* LifeNavigation Tip: Creating A Mind With Heart

* Featured Video: Creating A Mind With Heart, Part 1: Introduction


HeartCompass Quotes:

"The mind is actually shaping the very thing that is being perceived."

Fred Alan Wolf Ph.D.
Quantum Physicist




A dear friend of mine and Unity Minister Rebecca Lynne, recently published a book she wrote years ago and has been teaching for quite a while.  It tells the story of how she discovered the scientific meaning - the quantum physics - "hidden" in the language of the Bible.  Specifically, the story of Genensis reveals the physics, metaphyics, and laws of physical Creation if read and understood properly (or in a certain way).

In a nutshell, all that we experience in physical reality exists within and is created by Mind.  Mind is God, and God is One.  When the One "divides" itself by projecting "two" within itself, the One becomes Three.  Thus, the Trinity is formed.

The "two" projected within the Mind are Thought (form) and Emotion (substance).  Emotion fulfills Thought to create physical experience, and the Universe is created within the Mind.

I'm not asking you to believe any of this.  I am offering it as something to explore and test in your own life experience.  Everything that you experience as physical reality is an image given substance or meaning in your Mind.  What is the true nature of those images and the feelings that accompany them?  I ask you to experiment and answer those questions for yourself.

If your testing confirms that the true nature of your experience consists of form (thought) given subtance by feeling (emotion), then what is the role of your Heart, if any, in creating physical reality?

Research has shown that the Heart gives us access to emotional intelligence, intuition, inspiration, and inner guidance and peace.  If physical reality consists of thought given substance by feeling, then knowing how to access the Heart enables us to give substance to thought with Love-based feeling from the Heart.

This is the Secret of the Triangle (or Holy Trinity) - The Mind (God or the One), the Son (Thought, Form or Body), and the Holy Ghost or Spirit (Emotion or Substance).  Together, these three act to create all of Life, the Universe, and Reality.



You can learn more about your Mind, Heart, and Body by visiting and joining the Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart (which gives you access to the Virtual Learning Center).

Creating a Mind With Heart empowers you to know the true nature of your reality and give substance to thought with Love-based Truth from the Heart.  It's a process that takes time and builds upon itself, with rewards that can lead to a happier and more meaningful life.

To learn more about the Secret Triangle of Life, Death and Evolution, visit where you can purchase Rebecca Lynne's excellent and highly readable book.  The book includes illustrations to help clarify the principles revealed in the book of Genesis.  Join the Foundation and you will have access to Rebecca's online courses, workshops and videos when they are added to the Virtual Learning Center (in the near future).

Watch the Featured Video below for an introduction to Creating A Mind With Heart: The Heartcompass LifeNavigation System...


Featured Video: Creating A Mind With Heart, Part 1: Introduction

Watch it on Youtube:

To watch all 5 Parts of this video Course, visit and join the Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart.


Next Month:  More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!

Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2012

Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises
Metaphysics For Life
The Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart

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Friend me on FACEBOOK!

Receive Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart

Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!

Take the Off-Ramp to and remember who you really are!

Join the Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart - Discover the Mind With Heart Virtual Learning Center!