Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Welcome to This Week's
Vol. 1 No. 18

Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the


In this week's issue -

* HeartCompass Quote

* HeartCompass Secrets: True Gratitude

* LifeNavigation Tip: Happy Thanks-Giving

* This Week's Featured Video: Gratitude; The Master Key

* Pre-Made LifeNav Kits and A Mind With Heart Coaching/Training
Email and ask for F*REE info.

* Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!

If you find the tips and secrets in this issue

valuable, invite a friend to join us!

Forward this newsletter, or send this link

and invite them to subscribe. They will thank you!


HeartCompass Quote:

"Appreciation is a powerful tool to shift perspective. Finding
something to appreciate during a difficult situation quickly
moves the perspective to the big picture from the little picture."

-- From Chaos to Coherence, Doc Childre and Bruce Cryer




Most of us living in the United States will be celebrating
the holiday of Thanksgiving this week. It is meant to be a
time to enjoy the abundance of the fall harvest, spend time
with family and friends, and express gratitude and thanks for
all the things we appreciate in our lives.

Thanksgiving was originally a holiday created to remember how
the Native Americans helped the European immigrants survive the
early winters in New England. New England in winter is freezing
cold, and the Europeans, who came from cities and farmlands,
didn't have a clue how to get food from the "wilderness".

I saw a movie in the theatres several years ago (sorry I can't
think of the name right now) that told the story of a Native
American princess who fell in love with a European immigrant
soldier. With her help, the immigrants, who had just arrived
that summer, received food and help from the local tribes.
Without this help, they all would have perished.

What I noticed most about this story was how the Europeans,
when they arrived in this huge, wide-open country, proceeded
to box themselves in. They built walls, fortresses, and bridges
to keep themselves separate from the very things they needed
to survive. They were afraid to face the unknown, and when
they ran out of the food they brought with them, they did not
venture beyond the walls they built to hunt for game or gather
the fruits, nuts and vegetables just waiting for them "outside".

I mention this because, like the early immigrants to America,
most of us build walls with our thoughts and beliefs. Walls
that seem to keep us separate from the wealth of abundance
that's "just outside". This separation is an illusion, of course.
The early immigrants were no more separated from the wilderness
and it's abundance, than we are separated from each other,
the Universe we all live in, and the Source of All That Is.

It's also significant to notice that it was Love, in this
case between a Native American princess and a European soldier,
that resulted in the opening of the gates, and the beginning
of letting in all the abundance of the wilderness.

Gratitude, in it's True form, is Love.

True Gratitude is more than just giving thanks or appreciation
for what we already have. True Gratitude is Acceptance.

True Gratitude is the Acceptance of All That Is.

When we take down the walls of belief that separate us from
the infinite abundance of Life, we open the gates to receive
All That Is. And that is Gratitude.


THIS WEEK'S LIFENAVIGATION TIP: Gratitude Is A Happy Thanks-Giving

Gratitude is a feeling we tend to reserve for those occassions
when we "receive" something that we want or need.

But receiving is an illusion created by the belief in separation.

In Truth, there is only giving. What we experience as "receiving"
is actually a form of giving, because all that we could ever
want or need is already within us. When we "receive" something
we have actually given it to ourselves. We do this by removing
the walls of thought and belief that created the illusion that
we were ever separate from it.

Gratitude is an acceptance of this Truth. It is an opening of
the gates, to let in what has always been there, and to re-discover
that we were never really separate from anyone, or anything, at all.

So I invite you, whether you live in America or not, to take
this opportunity to give to yourself, to take down the walls of
separation you have created in your own mind, and to experience
true Gratitude right now. Happy thanks-giving!


Featured Video: Go Gratitude: The Master Key

Remember as you watch this, that Gratitude opens the gateway
to All That Is. Enjoy!


Redirect Your Mind...

...with Inner Guidance from the Heart.

I have to admit, that just like a plumber who fixes the leaky
faucet in his or her own home last, I sometimes put myself
last when it comes to using the LifeNavigation Kits that I
build. But I've been using mine regularly lately, and, well,
it's awesome! If you like, I can send you a Kit and teach
you how to use it, too.

Information is no cost and no obligation.

Email and say,

"Yes. Send me info about the LifeNav Kit
and A Mind With Heart Coaching and Training."


Next Week:

More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!

Invite a friend to join us on the journey!

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and invite them to subscribe. They'll thank you!


Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008

Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises

Visit me at MySpace

Read Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart

Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!

FREE 5 Part Online Heartcompass LifeNavigation iCourse!
"Redirect Your Mind, With Inner Guidance From The Heart"

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Welcome to This Week's
Vol. 1 No. 17

Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the


In this week's issue -

* HeartCompass Quote

* HeartCompass Secrets: The Question

* LifeNavigation Tip: The Answer

* Featured Video: The Unity Of Spirit And Matter

* Pre-Made LifeNav Kits and A Mind With Heart Coaching/Training
Email and ask for F*REE info.

* Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!

If you find the tips and secrets in this issue

valuable, invite a friend to join us!

Forward this newsletter, or send this link

and invite them to subscribe. They will thank you!


HeartCompass Quote:

"The heart holds answers the brain refuses to see."

-- Rob Kall




What if it were possible to be separate?

Separate from God, separate from others, separate from anything?

The illusion of separation makes possible everything we
experience in this physical Universe.

The illusion of separation must be persistent enough so that we
can forget, for a while, who we really are, and why we are here.
If it were not persistent, belief could not happen, and then the
illusion would cease to exist.

My favorite TV show these days is something called "Life On Mars"
on ABC here in the United States (just in case you are sitting
in Australia, or the UK, or South Africa right now reading this,
you can watch it online at ). It's about a cop in
New York City who gets knocked unconscious and wakes up in the
year 1973. Aside from loving that 70's music, I love that the
story lines explore the questions, "Why am I here? How did I get here?
Who am I? and Is this real?" Those are the existential questions
most people get around to somewhere in their lifetime. What I
love about "Life On Mars" is that it suggests, indirectly, that
the main character, Sam Tyler, is in fact his MIND!

Now, they don't come right out and say this (at least not yet)
but they hint at it. They let the viewer draw their own
conclusions. And I like that. So to me, it's clear. He must
be living in his own mind.

You may have been taught that you see the world with your eyes,
hear it with your ears, and feel it with your fingertips.
The truth is, you see, hear, and touch the world with your Mind.

The mind is a holographic projector, and holographic perceiver
of all that it projects.

What we experience in this physical Universe is the programmed
response of the Mind that is answering the Question:

What if it were possible to be separate?



We are all beginning to wake up and realize that, in truth,
it's not possible to be separate. Everything is connected,
All is One.

What this realization is doing to us is changing the way we
see the world, the physical Universe, that we see with our mind.

It changes the way we see ourselves in it, and the ways we
choose to think and behave.

We have moments of lucidity, and flashes of insight, when we
see that what we think is real is in fact a passing image of
fantasy, like the images we see on TV or in the movie theatre,
albeit so persistent that we believe the images are real.

Waking up to the illusion of separation is, at first, like waking
up inside a dream...what we call "lucid" dreaming. First, you
realize you are dreaming. Then, you begin to direct and take
control of the dream. Finally, when the dream is over, you
"wake up". Then, you begin to realize that what you saw, heard,
and felt in the dream seems just as real as the "real" life you
are living now. It's just not as persistent.

There is a level of consciousness that is more "persistent" than
the level of mind that creates the illusion of separation. It is
what we "know" as our spirit, or soul, the non-physical (or
meta (beyond) physical) that directs and observes and actually
lives the life created by our mind.

Letting go of the beliefs that shape an unreal world does not
involve any loss of any kind. Rather, it allows us to have "lucid"
dreams at first, and then to wake up to a world more real than
any we've ever known.


Featured Video: The Unity Of Spirit And Matter

This is a delightful little movie that explores the nature of
consciousness and physical experience. I like the cartoonish
animations, combined with more sober examinations of
where we've been, who we are, and where we might go.

The link below will take you to YouTube, where you can watch
the movie trailer and decide if you would like to see the whole
film. I thought the last part was the best...


Redirect Your Mind...

...with Inner Guidance from the Heart.

Pre-made LifeNavigation Kits and Coaching are available to meet
the needs of your busy lifestyle. To get yours send an email to with "LifeNav Kit" in the subject line.
You will receive information about what's in the Kit, about one-on-one
coaching/training with Ilana Moss, cost and payment options,
and more...

Information is no cost and no obligation.

Email and say,

"Yes. Send me info about the LifeNav Kit
and A Mind With Heart Coaching and Training."


Next Week:

More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!

Invite a friend to join us on the journey!

Forward this newsletter, or send this link

and invite them to subscribe. They'll thank you!


Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008

Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises

Visit me at MySpace

Read Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart

Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!

FREE 5 Part Online Heartcompass LifeNavigation iCourse!
"Redirect Your Mind, With Inner Guidance From The Heart"

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Welcome to This Week's
Vol. 1 No. 16

Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the


In this week's issue -

* HeartCompass Quote

* HeartCompass Secrets: A Mind With Heart

* LifeNavigation Tip: You Decide

* Featured Video: Healing The Heart of Humanity

* Get Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart

* Pre-Made LifeNav Kits and A Mind With Heart Coaching/Training
Email and ask for F*REE info.

If you find the tips and secrets in this issue

valuable, invite a friend to join us!

Forward this newsletter, or send this link

and invite them to subscribe. They will thank you!


HeartCompass Quote:

"Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string."

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
US Poet, essayist and transcendentalist (1803-1882)




A Mind with Heart is a mind that no longer believes in separation.

In fact, a Mind with Heart no longer "believes" in anything,
because it chooses only Truth.

There is a great deal of focus these days on the mind and upon
consciousness. Science can now measure the effect of human
thought upon the physical Universe. But they have yet to
measure the impact of thought based on belief, versus thought
based upon Truth.

If you happen to be following the science of Quantum Physics,
and the effects of meditation (not just on health, but upon
one's physical experience in the world) like I am, then you
know a recent experiment demonstrated that groups of peaceful
Meditators, focusing their attention on areas of the world
where violence is an everyday occurance, may have had an impact
that reduced violence in those areas.

What these experiments are beginning to show, is that the human
mind, when focused on Truth (ie. Peace, Love, Abundance, etc.)
has a very powerful impact upon the world. Why? Because it
is all Connected. But more important than realizing that all
is connected, is recognizing that Truth is far far more
powerful than belief.

Belief, by definition, is not real because it is not eternal.
Beliefs have no meaning in themselves, but only the meanings
we assign to them. Therefore, the things we create in the
physical Universe with our beliefs are also not real, because
they are made of stuff that is not real.

Please don't get upset with me here! Let me share a few
examples to help make this clear, and to show you that I'm
not asking you to make any sacrifices when I say a Mind
with Heart chooses Truth over beliefs...

I have been studying belief for a long time now. It started
in college when I studied Environmental Education, and
learned that the way people treat the environment is shaped
by their beliefs.

Later, I learned all behavior is shaped by beliefs. So my focus
turned to understanding which beliefs would lead to "good"
behavior, and which beliefs lead to "bad" behavior.

Then I learned that beliefs shape more than our behavior.
They shape our very existence here on Earth. So I became
extremely interested in what beliefs would create a healthy,
happy experience on Earth - or, as I liked to call it,
"Heaven On Earth".

What I finally came to realize is that it is impossible to
create "Heaven On Earth" with beliefs.

I did try. And I watched others try. But eventually, anything
that we created by changing our beliefs had to pass away.
It did not matter if it was a dream car, dream house, our
"soul mate", or radiant health; anything that I, or anyone
else I observed, created with beliefs eventually was lost.

Honestly, with this realization I became quite hopeless
and felt emptiness and despair. What was the point?
If anything I create (or attract, depending on how you
look at it) will eventually be lost, why bother?

The movie "The Secret" says that you have to feel good to
attract good things. But the Truth is, in our moments of
deepest despair, we can receive the greatest insights.

When I realized that beliefs would never create the Heaven on
Earth I so deeply desired, that's when I got the inspiration
that A Mind With Heart, guided by Truth (which is Love),
can and will get the job done.

This is great news! Because while choosing and giving meaning
to our beliefs is a lot of hard work, getting guidance from
the Heart is a piece of cake! And it's just as sweet...



Since this week's "Secret" was a bit long, I'll make the
Navigation Tip short:

Take a look at this week's featured video. As you watch ask
yourself this: If my world is created by my thoughts, then where
do I want my thoughts to come from? From the Ego in the form
of beliefs, or from the Heart in the form of Truth.

You decide...


Featured Video: Healing The Heart of Humanity

Note: The views expressed in this video are those of the
Humanity Healing Network which produced it. They are not
necessarily those of Heartcompass Enterprises. There is a call
to "believe" something at the end, but you already know my
position on that.


Redirect Your Mind...

...with Inner Guidance from the Heart.

Pre-made LifeNavigation Kits and Coaching are available to meet
the needs of your busy lifestyle. To get yours send an email to with "LifeNav Kit" in the subject line.
You will receive information about what's in the Kit, about one-on-one
coaching/training with Ilana Moss, cost and payment options,
and more...

Information is no cost and no obligation.

Email and say,

"Yes. Send me info about the LifeNav Kit
and A Mind With Heart Coaching and Training."


Next Week:

More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!

Invite a friend to join us on the journey!

Forward this newsletter, or send this link

and invite them to subscribe. They'll thank you!


Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008

Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises

Visit me at MySpace

Read Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart

Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!

FREE 5 Part Online Heartcompass LifeNavigation iCourse!
"Redirect Your Mind, With Inner Guidance From The Heart"

Friday, November 7, 2008


This is so exciting I simply could not wait until next week's newsletter!

A new movie is being made, due for release in February of 2009, and it's going to be bigger than "The Secret".

The Movie Trailer is available now on YouTube. You can click the link below, or go directly to the Heartcompass Secrets online blog to watch.

Your Heart is your Compass! Watch the Trailer now and get inspired...

The Compass Movie Trailer

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Welcome to This Week's
Vol. 1 No. 15

Definition of The HeartCompass LifeNavigation Process:
A combination of scientific, psychological, spiritual,
metaphysical, and religious knowledge and techniques that
can redirect the mind through the inner guidance of the


In this week's issue -

* HeartCompass Quote

* HeartCompass Secrets: Thoughts Are The DNA of the Universe

* LifeNavigation Tip: Careful Thinking

* Featured Video: Relaxing Bubbles

* Pre-Made LifeNav Kits and A Mind With Heart Coaching/Training
Email for F*REE info.
Note: If clicking doesn't work, please cut and past address to your email app.

* Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!

If you find the tips and secrets in this issue

valuable, invite a friend to join us!

Forward this newsletter, or send this link

and invite them to subscribe. They will thank you!


HeartCompass Quote:

"We are all capable of doing
more than we think."

Bill Clinton



HEARTCOMPASS SECRETS: Thoughts Are DNA of the Universe

I don't know about you, but sometimes I am in SUCH a HURRY about
wanting my thoughts to manifest! I mean, come on already! I've
been thinking, and visualizing, and where's the stuff???

This has been a subject that has concerned me for quite a while.
One of the reasons I created the LifeNavigation Kit was
because I wanted faster results. I want it, and I want it NOW!

Have you ever felt that way? Hmmmm, I thought so : )

I took a break from teaching Heartcompass last year because I
didn't understand why some things seemed to manifest almost
instantly, while something else might take months, years, or
a lifetime. Until I could get to the bottom of this, I didn't
feel the "process" was complete.

When I saw the movie "The Secret" I thought, "Ah ha! That's
it! I just need to learn how to bring myself into alignment
with what I want, and then I will be able to manifest
everything right when I want it!"

Um, no.

Well, yes, and no.

You see, it turns out it's true that we need to be in alignment
with what we want before we can create it. But it's not true
that we can always achieve that alignment the moment we want
to create something.

In the case of parking cars, yes. I got that one down. I was
a parking spot guru, and I have pictures on my cell phone that
document my repeated successes.

However, let's say I want to create a thriving, successful
business doing what I am most passionate about (that would
be teaching metaphysics and Heartcompass, of course).

That requires a process.
And that process begins with...

Careful Thinking.

Notice I did not say wishful thinking, but Careful Thinking.

There's a difference.

Careful Thinking is a process that uses both the Mind and Heart,
to sift through the possibilities, receive inspiration, and
know when you've finally got it "just right". You know when it's
right because your Heart is smart, and it will tell you when
you've got the thinking (the DNA, the blueprint) properly arranged
in order to get the result you want. The Heart will then also
give you a "jolt" of motivation, energy, and joy to get you
moving so you can get it done.

Here's a simple example to help make this all clear:

A while back I found I was unable to open one of my kitchen
drawers, because a knife had somehow gotten jammed in just
such a way that the drawer opened just a bit, and could go
no further. I jiggled, shook, and beat on the thing, trying
to dislodge the knife, without success (and with very little
thought, I might add).

Finally, I gave up and sat down with a cup of tea.
In my mind, I visualized the drawer, and the knife,
and tried to imagine ways in which I might get the
thing unstuck. Finally, I saw the solution clearly in my
mind, went back to the drawer, and got it opened. Yes!

(IMPORTANT: Please note, I did NOT sit there visualizing an
open drawer, thinking it would open by itself before I went
back to the kitchen. I used my Mind and my Heart to see a
way to get it open myself. BIG difference!)

I paid attention to this process, and I have found that when
I take the time to give something Careful Thought (ie. Thought
full of Care, which is the Heart) then it becomes possible,
although not always easy, to create the results I want, whatever
that might be.

And this, my friend, can take time. Sometimes just the time
it takes to sip a cup of tea. Or, it might take days, or months,
or years, or a lifetime.

Of course, the more time you invest in developing your thinking
skills, or I would call it Careful Thinking skills, the faster
and more effective you will become at this. It takes patience,
and comittment, and purpose. But if you have all of these,
you can and will succeed (you might want to check out the
Healing Message From a Mind With Heart titled "Success" ).

Now that I've discovered this "Secret", I feel confident that
I can help others when things don't manifest as quickly as
they might expect. I'm not going to promise you that you will
get whatever you want, when you want it (which is probably
right now!). But I do know that anyone who is willing can learn
how to think more effectively, can develop Careful Thinking skills,
and start getting better results sooner, rather than later.



Knowing what you want is the first step in any conscious
manifestation process.

You might "think" you know what you want, but the Heart "knows"
what you want.

The Heart communicates with images and feelings. Whatever you
"think" you want, write it down. Then ask your Heart if that's
really what you want.

If it is, take some time for Careful Thinking,
and let the Heart send you images and inspiration that
will help you create what you want.

If it's not (it won't feel good), then ask your Heart what it
"knows" you want. Remember, this will come in the form of
images and feelings, or inspiration. You may be guided to take
some action that will help you learn what you really want, or
the Heart might trigger a memory that inspires you, etc.

Just keep in mind, if the Heart and Mind are not in alignment on
something that you consciously think you want, then you cannot
consciously create it (or you might find yourself beating on that
stuck drawer for a very long time!)

It's worth the effort.

And, it feels good, too!

Featured Video:

Relaxing Bubbles

Thoughts are like bubbles, floating in and out of our awareness,
taking on many shapes, colors, and sizes.

You'll find Relaxing Bubbles and more meditation, sacred geometry,
and metaphysical science videos at A Mind With Heart Channel on


Redirect Your Mind...

...with Inner Guidance from the Heart.

Pre-made LifeNavigation Kits and Coaching are available to meet
the needs of your busy lifestyle. To get yours click the
link below and put "LifeNav Kit" in the subject line. You will
receive information about what's in the Kit, about one-on-one
coaching/training with Ilana Moss, cost and payment options,
and more...

Information is no cost and no obligation.

"Yes. Send me info about the LifeNav Kit and A Mind With Heart
Coaching and Training." (click here):

Note: If clicking does not open your email browser, please open
your email service and cut and past the address. Thank you!


Next Week:

More Quotes, Secrets, and Tips!

Invite a friend to join us on the journey!

Forward this newsletter, or send this link

and invite them to subscribe. They'll thank you!


Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips
copyright 2008

Ilana Moss
HeartCompass Enterprises

Visit me at MySpace

Read Healing Messages From A Mind With Heart

Watch A Mind With Heart Channel on YouTube!

FREE 5 Part Online Heartcompass LifeNavigation iCourse!
"Redirect Your Mind, With Inner Guidance From The Heart"